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Update to Snake Halberd Stats?
i'm pretty sure that the snake halberd recently lost ~10c and gained some speed on the update that adjusted weapon reaches. i found it to be a pretty big nerf, so you may have been referring to before the update when you enjoyed it. It still feels strong, but no longer gives the same melee feel as inf 2h have (as the rest of the polearms appear to provide).
[Image: b8ecae23634dacfd46af0f9d4412ff1d.png]

Messages In This Thread
Update to Snake Halberd Stats? - by Kura - 28-04-2018, 03:26 PM
RE: Update to Snake Halberd Stats? - by Bobo - 28-04-2018, 08:23 PM
RE: Update to Snake Halberd Stats? - by TerrorBite - 03-05-2018, 04:32 AM

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