22-05-2018, 08:29 AM
- Every edge is smooth, while only some of them should be.
- Afaik, there are too many faces used for the handle. You could still get a good result using less of them. If it supposed to be used in game, then its a part of a weapon you see rarely while it still has to be rendered all the time.
- There are some faces missing - bottom part of the blade that extends backwards (I think its called a butt or a hammer).
- The Blade is slightly misaligned with the shaft - they probably should be centered along axis.
- It would be better to have separate solids of a blade and a butt, as long as making textures is concerned. That could be done be a simple boolean operation - substracting the shaft solid from the blade soild. That way you will know at which point they connect with the shaft (that area is usually darker).
- Not sure what material is used for the shaft, but if its wood then its afaik a bit too thin.
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