22-02-2019, 11:26 PM
(22-02-2019, 11:13 PM)Falankos Wrote:(22-02-2019, 11:03 PM)Forward Wrote:(22-02-2019, 10:57 PM)Falankos Wrote:(22-02-2019, 10:48 PM)Forward Wrote:(22-02-2019, 10:10 PM)Malong Wrote: Good point: remove the Phoenix Feathers / Orichcalcum / Relic Fragments from house crafting recipes.
Bad idea: in-game economy needs as many gold-sinks as possible to prevent inflation.
Generally speaking, that is true but the gold sinks have been too effective which lead to our current predicament in the first place. If any, what we need is more gold to increase the overall price level. Ultimately it will probably barely increase the general want of a low demand item like the Dragon spear but it will surely help reinvigorate the economy.
Why do "we need [...] to increase the overall price level"?
What we have now is fair result of supply and demand. There is no rule that lootable "junk" should be better or more expensive then housecrafted "junk".
I do agree that it is perfectly sensible that a better legendary is worth less than it's house craftable counterpart in a free market with a much higher supply of the former. My point was that it dropped in terms of value below the craftable just because the general value of and want for gold allowed for this to happen in the first place.
The value of many craftables by now consists mainly of their "gold sinks" and the demand for them because of their requirement in certain upgrades.
But from my perspective it's completely fine, I think it's better if Dragon Spears will be used by new/poor players instead of gathering dust in rich people inventories. And if rich people will be able to use them for some crafts it will become even worse, when rich will become even richer. This mod is not dead apparently only because it still bring new players somehow. So think about them and whats better for them, not whats better for rich minority.