11-11-2019, 10:49 PM
Another modification of original idea.
Like Piety in ADOM.
To explain it: the number assigned to show Swadian Gods disposition towards the team. Average by default.
The higher disposition the better successful tome chance. Every tome usage decreases disposition. Every sacrifice at shrine increases disposition. Killing Nordic Gods also increases it.
At low dispositions Nordic Gods have ability to use their skills (like Loki's trickster creation, Thor's lightning storm and Odin's spears) with lower cooldowns.
Like Piety in ADOM.
To explain it: the number assigned to show Swadian Gods disposition towards the team. Average by default.
The higher disposition the better successful tome chance. Every tome usage decreases disposition. Every sacrifice at shrine increases disposition. Killing Nordic Gods also increases it.
At low dispositions Nordic Gods have ability to use their skills (like Loki's trickster creation, Thor's lightning storm and Odin's spears) with lower cooldowns.