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Official WinterInvasion Event, 23.02.2025
(23-02-2025, 08:53 AM)Shark_Rider Wrote: Sadly can't be today

Thx for posting it right in time. The next lucky player who got chosen by KI is: Krex (DB). You are going to take Shark Riders spot on Event Server 2.
Lvl 52 Master Peltast (DB_Julianature); Lvl 52 Warden (DB_Wardenature); Lvl 52 Chosen Marksman (DB_Doctornature); Lvl 52 Royal Guard (DB_Guardinature); Lvl 52 Ranger (DB_Wildnature)

Legendary drops:

06.07.2016 Griffon Bascinet
09.05.2018 Griffon Bascinet
29.11.2024 Leviathan's Treads
08.12.2024 Defiance
11.12.2024 Dellingr's Hands
26.12.2024 Scorn
01.02.2025 Mnjonjo

Messages In This Thread
RE: Official WinterInvasion Event, 23.02.2025 - by Julianature - 23-02-2025, 09:31 AM

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