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Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me!
Came back after a long time of not playing Nord Invasion, saw Hersirs added  ;D

But if it's not too late, I can throw in a couple more new enemy ideas:

Nord Chefs

Renowned in Calradia for their tasty culinary delights as well as unmatched precision with their tools of the trade. They help power the Nordic economy, bringing in millions of denars to the Nordic treasury through restaurants such as McRagnar's and Five Nords. King Ragnar has recently conscripted an army of Nord Chefs to feed his troops as well as fight in the frontlines with their trademark cleavers and frying pans. Though Swadian recruits have many times laughed in scorn, those same recruits have been silenced by a frying pan to the face enough times for many to tremble in fear at the sight of these culinary warriors.

Could replace the lower-tier troops already wielding pans and cleavers and be a unique wave or mixed into the regular waves. Mix of frying pans and cleavers/throwing cleavers.

Helmet: Chef's hat (if modeled/added) or Farmer's hat
Armor: Chef's apron (if modeled/added) or Rawhide coat
Leg Armor: Leather boots

Weaponry: Cleavers, throwing cleavers, frying pans

Shouldn't be any trouble to higher-tier players unless swarmed. Should pose easy to moderate difficulty waves 1-3. Could be mixed in as stated before or be a unique wave 2 unit.
When life gives you lemons, make apple juice and watch the world wonder.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me! - by Sphinx - 05-01-2012, 06:41 AM
Re: Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me! - by Sphinx - 29-03-2012, 01:47 AM
Re: Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me! - by Jeffacake - 06-02-2013, 12:22 AM
Re: Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me! - by Leturoa - 28-05-2013, 10:55 AM

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