Well with a new mode being introduced with 0.5.0, I thought I might throw some enemy suggestions around to help get the players and hopefully the developers thinking about some new troops to add. All these suggestions would be for the new middle mode.
Nord Engineer
The nord war machine needs workers to keep it driving forward, these engineers accompany the best war parties as they smash their way to victory.
This enemy would be a mixed wave enemy from 4-onwards, it would replace the nord master hunter. Very lethal shot with crossbow.
[Weapons] Siege Crossbow, Heavy Bolts, Sledgehammer
[Armour] Kettle Helm, Broigne Shirt, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots
Nord Pillager
These fanatics follow around Ragnar's army and pillage all defenseless villages they come across, these madmen are kept around because they serve a purpose for the nord army.
This enemy is an anti-kite unit, wave 6 or 10.
[Weapons] Winged Mace, Nordic Bat
[Armour] Skullcap, Slaver Armour, No Hand, Leather Boots
Nord Regular
These hardened warriors are regulars in Ragnar's army. They make up the core of the infantry.
This enemy would be a mixed wave enemy from 1-onwards, tough but normal to kill. Powerful three throwing spears.
[Weapons] Nordic War Sword, Throwing Spear, Huscarl Shield
[Armour] Nordic Huscarl's Helmet, Huscarl Banded Armor 2, Mail Mittens, Mail Boots
Nord Ward
Ragnar's wards. With the fall of the Prince, these young wards are trying to prove themselves to their King to perhaps earn a new prestigous promotion.
This enemy is basically a mini-prince carrying long weapons, challenge wave 18.
[Weapons] Great Long Axe (Or Great Sword)
[Armour] Great Helmet, Heavy Kuyak, Plate Mittens, Plate Boots
Nord Thrower
Elite hunters for the Nord raiding parties, the nords are extremely good with spears wearing light armor.
A throwing unit with powerful harpoons that can also use a war spear. Challenge wave 14 (Possible mixed wave unit).
[Weapons] War Spear, Harpoon Javelin
[Armour] Mail Coif, Mail Hauberk, Mail Mittens, Mail Boots
Nord Highlander
After a failed invasion of a distant land. The nords discovered an extremely tough and resilient group of warriors that they modeled their own unit on. (Want this in so there can be a 'There can be only one!' quest)
A strong two-handed enemy, challenge wave 10 (Possible mixed wave unit).
[Weapons] Strange Great Sword
[Armour] Highlander Hat, Heavy Highlander Armor, No Hand, Highlander Boots
Note: Not really serious about the highlanders, but would be nice to see. Also, I am aware there are some similarities with troops that are already in game with some of these units, hard to avoid them, but they are merely suggestions. I also do not know what new items will be added in 0.5.0 so the gear specified could be changed a lot with newly added gear, or replaced with similar equipment. The names of enemy troops could also undergo a tweak to be more nordish. Oh, and MOAR RANGERS!
Nord Engineer
The nord war machine needs workers to keep it driving forward, these engineers accompany the best war parties as they smash their way to victory.
This enemy would be a mixed wave enemy from 4-onwards, it would replace the nord master hunter. Very lethal shot with crossbow.
[Weapons] Siege Crossbow, Heavy Bolts, Sledgehammer
[Armour] Kettle Helm, Broigne Shirt, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots
Nord Pillager
These fanatics follow around Ragnar's army and pillage all defenseless villages they come across, these madmen are kept around because they serve a purpose for the nord army.
This enemy is an anti-kite unit, wave 6 or 10.
[Weapons] Winged Mace, Nordic Bat
[Armour] Skullcap, Slaver Armour, No Hand, Leather Boots
Nord Regular
These hardened warriors are regulars in Ragnar's army. They make up the core of the infantry.
This enemy would be a mixed wave enemy from 1-onwards, tough but normal to kill. Powerful three throwing spears.
[Weapons] Nordic War Sword, Throwing Spear, Huscarl Shield
[Armour] Nordic Huscarl's Helmet, Huscarl Banded Armor 2, Mail Mittens, Mail Boots
Nord Ward
Ragnar's wards. With the fall of the Prince, these young wards are trying to prove themselves to their King to perhaps earn a new prestigous promotion.
This enemy is basically a mini-prince carrying long weapons, challenge wave 18.
[Weapons] Great Long Axe (Or Great Sword)
[Armour] Great Helmet, Heavy Kuyak, Plate Mittens, Plate Boots
Nord Thrower
Elite hunters for the Nord raiding parties, the nords are extremely good with spears wearing light armor.
A throwing unit with powerful harpoons that can also use a war spear. Challenge wave 14 (Possible mixed wave unit).
[Weapons] War Spear, Harpoon Javelin
[Armour] Mail Coif, Mail Hauberk, Mail Mittens, Mail Boots
Nord Highlander
After a failed invasion of a distant land. The nords discovered an extremely tough and resilient group of warriors that they modeled their own unit on. (Want this in so there can be a 'There can be only one!' quest)
A strong two-handed enemy, challenge wave 10 (Possible mixed wave unit).
[Weapons] Strange Great Sword
[Armour] Highlander Hat, Heavy Highlander Armor, No Hand, Highlander Boots
Note: Not really serious about the highlanders, but would be nice to see. Also, I am aware there are some similarities with troops that are already in game with some of these units, hard to avoid them, but they are merely suggestions. I also do not know what new items will be added in 0.5.0 so the gear specified could be changed a lot with newly added gear, or replaced with similar equipment. The names of enemy troops could also undergo a tweak to be more nordish. Oh, and MOAR RANGERS!