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Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me!
More an idea for the new Ragnarok Mode 

Son on Fafnir 

It is rumored that once every 1000 moons a child is born with White hair bearing the mark of Fafnir. There are whispers that the women who give birth to these children die on instant when the child is born.  These children are then quickly taken away by a highly secrective group working under King Ragnar himself. These children are then put under his care and only recieve the best training and equipment posssible in the nordic homelands (made from the remains of Fafnir?)  to become King Ragnars chosen. 

(the ingame equipment now doenst stand true to their awesomenes so im just making up names here)
Body:  Chest of Fafnir
Head: Horns of Fafnir
Foot: Feet of Fafnir
Hands: Claws of Fafnir
Weapons: Fafnirs Grip  (Mythical 2 Handed)

These guys are also imume versus knockback and are only fully damaged by someone wielding the legendary sword Gram (Mythical 1 handed ?)
They also have an overall high rate of dropping Fafnirs Scales.

Abit too hard maybe?  Wink

Messages In This Thread
Re: Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me! - by Sphinx - 05-01-2012, 06:41 AM
Re: Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me! - by Sphinx - 29-03-2012, 01:47 AM
Re: Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me! - by Punishment - 15-04-2013, 04:05 PM
Re: Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me! - by Leturoa - 28-05-2013, 10:55 AM

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