05-06-2013, 04:19 AM
(05-06-2013, 04:02 AM)_Sphinx_ link Wrote:Being pretentious isn't maturity. You can't consider yourself as of a much higher year of maturity (in my books)
My intention is not to be pretentious, in no way did i mean to come off that way, however certen things that happen in life will make someone such as myself or as barristen mentioned himself more mature then their own age. i may not be accualy as mature a a 20 year old but i strive to be and i was pushed past the normal maturity of my age from events that are out of my control the best thing i can think to tell you is that i have been told by many people (including devs at bioware) i am much more mature than most kids my age and i act as if i was 18+ a few of them said 20 so i went with that. Whether or not you choose to belive me will be based on my actions in the near future, i dont expect your opinion to change untill i can prove myself so i will be constantly active in TS and IRC untill i prove that my maturity is greater. To Reiderate in my own words what barristen said actions speak louder than words.