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Yarr! Map Updates!
Map Fix & Update

Fortress Under Siege
Hande's Retreat
Hidden Cave
Hyper's Hell
King's Castleyard
King's Reach
Mountain Outpost
Mountain Pass
Royal Observatory
Swadian Bay
Swadian Castle
Swadian City
Swadian Great Hall
Swadian Hamlet
Swadian Keep
Swadian Old Village
Swadian Overgrown
Swadian Temple
Swadian Town
Swadian Village

Copy to SceneObj folder. (\Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\NordInvasion\SceneObj)

NordInvasion Scene Team
Map updates YAHOOO!
wow, so soon? Thanks!!!
StuStu-All I'll say buddy is Arbilest or however it's spelt, crafting price means nothing in NI, if you are a long time player you should know that yourself, I'm done arguing with someone who's naive as ****
[Image: lNYrB9c.png]
Nice. This'll keep us busy for a week or so until the patch comes.  Big Grin
Thanks for updating some bugs and also the buggy servers Hard_EU5 and 6 got only 10) slots from now on. Pretty decent idea Smile
[Image: Tarbs.jpg]
"I wish the germans would have melt the Eiffel Tower and make tanks to kill the french" - not telling
"I ain´t gonna drop my stuff for these guys" - Wambo
"What do you call the german Secret Service? -  SS" - not telling
Royal Ob... and Swadian Old Village changes are rly nice  :Smile
Legendary Loots: Illustrious 28th October 2014
indeed, thx for fixing those 2 hard servers!
Best Solo:
Normal 20 Completed
Hard 20 Completed
Ragnarok 19 incompleted
I love the new Swadian Village.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q

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