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WTK prices
Eagle Crossbow
Brigadine Plated
Flick - 52 Sniper
Balinor - 52 Pikeman
GheerBox - 43 SS
Kahlan - 32 Sergeant
[Image: 76561197995845485.png]
eagle can go for like 40m and brigadine like 25m
(23-09-2016, 06:59 PM)GheerBox Wrote:

that thread isnt always accurate. not to mention that the legendaries are sold based off of what the owner feels they are worth.
Its a place to start, same as asking here. That thread represents the community's collective opinion, and it provides a generally agreed upon price for all the legendary items. Naturally the prices will fluctuate, but nothing too radical.

I would think that many opinions would be better than the one or two you may get from a WTK thread.
Flick - 52 Sniper
Balinor - 52 Pikeman
GheerBox - 43 SS
Kahlan - 32 Sergeant
[Image: 76561197995845485.png]
Ty all
I would say Eagle is about 35 - 40 and Brigadine is around 20 - 25.
"I'm the DB Captain I deserve a spot in events" - Faravin 2k16

"I am training my biceps, my finger biceps" - Faravin 2k16

Legendary Drops:

Jormungandr - 29th September 2014
Barbutte With Coif -  9th October 2014

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