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Cav mode XP
I've have recently got into cav mode,

But compared to Hard Rag and even Normal the amount of XP or assist XP that you get is ridiculously low. You will have to go through 2 or 3 full games of cav just to even get anywhere near the same amount as you would on a Normal, Hard and Rag server. One full game of Cav will give you around 30k assist XP but Normal gives 80k or so, Hard gives 130k and Rag gives 180k maybe more. This is wrong because cav mode can be much more difficult that Hard + Normal and at times Rag if you do not have the right team work.

Is there anything you can do about it?
Mode is not yet complete, yet I dont think it was meant for you to get much XP, as far as you know you need to grind XP in other modes and put it to cav tier in order to get it higher. Mode is made mostly for fun.

If it was that to change, I'd suggest removing option to put assist XP in to cav and get people leveling up from kills, therefor increasing XP gained but I already see people complaining of low tiers dying constantly and they have to carry. Or low tiers complaining how they can't level up as they keep dying with their slow horses.
[Image: dpcfmq0qegd53mozg.jpg]
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(20-01-2017, 06:04 PM)Nka19 Wrote: Mode is not yet complete, yet I dont think it was meant for you to get much XP, as far as you know you need to grind XP in other modes and put it to cav tier in order to get it higher. Mode is made mostly for fun.

If it was that to change, I'd suggest removing option to put assist XP in to cav and get people leveling up from kills, therefor increasing XP gained but I already see people complaining of low tiers dying constantly and they have to carry. Or low tiers complaining how they can't level up as they keep dying with their slow horses.

True true, but the XP gap between Novice Rider to Trained Rider is just too big. Going from 30,000 Mounted XP (I believe)  to 250,000 Mounted XP. I think it should be more even through-out the leveling up riding skill. This would persuade more people to push to get the Riding skills rather than just giving up because they would much rather put the XP into Gold.
Think its 5k 10k 30k 250k 1.5m 3m for xp from 0 to tr5.

You dont need tr4-5 tr3 is fine. With it being at 250k i have goten that in less than a week. I see no problem. 

What i have seen tho for a good idea is making it even more xp maybe but cav you get 100+ of cav xp on a avg bots. So it would be alot faster if you are playing cav to lvl up vs some one thats doing rag runs etc.
(20-01-2017, 06:04 PM)Maximus Wrote: I think it should be more even through-out the leveling up riding skill. This would persuade more people to push to get the Riding skills rather than just giving up because they would much rather put the XP into Gold.

No. Do it like the rest (of the many) of us that got our characters to T4 and T5. If I recall, the overhaul of mounted xp was in mid 2013, so players have either:
  1. had over three years to figure out their personal plan and execute it
  2. joined since then and been able to follow the example of the players that are now T4 and T5
It's meant to be a gold and time sink, lessening the requirements defeats the purpose. What does 2 million gold buy that is of particular consequence anyways?
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Also with alot of people already having tr4-5. If they made less xp then it is atm they would maybe refund it into xp (So more gold) like how they did Support. 

So people like me that has 3 x Tr5 | 4 x Tr4 | 5 x Tr3 = to much Gold

You want the rich to get richer ?
The xp on cav mode is not that bad actually, my only concern with it is its rather uneven distribution. Might be a nice idea to buff the xp gained from killing late game bots. For example, the wave 12 bots are tough to kill but only give about 53xp. Besides small aspects like that one its perfectly fine. Just do not expect to get a lot of assist xp from it, because of smaller teams and slower killspeed in general.

In my opinion, the best horse you can currently get is the courser, because the high speed allows you to escape from literally any bot, and helps dodging projectiles as well. To get the courser all you need is to be t2, which only needs 30k cav xp, translating into 150k assist xp. Thats like 2 rag runs at most. The higher tiers are primarily for ranged classes in need of the improved aim.
That being said, I levelled up my RG to t5 cav without using assist xp (currently: Mounted 3,213,422 xp). With a decently skilled playstyle you can easily get 10k+ cav xp per round just from kills. Based on how I see it, the huge xp requirement is to make the rather overpowered t4/5 ranged classes a bit less attainable.

But why even play cav mode? Personally, I always loved it for the challenge it provided. When I just started with the mod I could barely get to the 2nd boss wave alone. A few days later I beat the third boss wave alone for the first time, until eventually I got to successfully solo all waves. After the 15 waves upgrade cav got a lot easier, making it a bit less interesting for me. However, for most, the primary reason to play cav is probably the abundance of really high value legendary loot. It does not drop as often, but when you get a drop its usually something very expensive. Besides that its a great source for eagle feathers and damascus steel, and personally I would love to see those two materials being cav exclusive.
Normal is 10k assist xp, cav is 20k? hard is 50k and rag is 100. I think the xp distrubition is fine
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