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WTK Lederhosen
What price would the  people who have the lederhosen set be willing to let the set go for ?
barbutte with coif Smile
aurora blade

yea  sharpthorn
(28-04-2017, 10:20 PM)Prof_Troll Wrote: What price would the  people who have the lederhosen set be willing to let the set go for ?

Kaas and me are the only 1 that got the whole set. We bought it for 20m but it´s not for sale (NEVER!). So I guess u cant give any price on it.
Legendary Loots: 83

That's not true Fara, Fred got a set and I got a set as well, but our sets are not for sale. So we can't give you a price..
Sold my Volundr Great Sword at the 4th of May, 2014.

Steam: Sinister_Soldier
(29-04-2017, 11:28 AM)Sinister Soldier Wrote: That's not true Fara, Fred got a set and I got a set as well, but our sets are not for sale. So we can't give you a price..
Alright then, didnt know that.
Legendary Loots: 83

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