Welcome to the new and improved
"Nord Invasion Community Feedback and Suggestions thread 2017"
The opinions and views expressed within this thread by an admin and or developer are NOT a reflection on either team. We are players just like you and some may have changes they would like to see as well.
Suggestions/Feedback that are heavily supported are NOT guarnateed to be put inplace as they may be unrealistic to put into the mod (coding limitations) or simply too time consuming to do currently. (Or in future.)
There is no such thing as a bad idea on this thread. So long as it is realistic, stays within the roleplay that is Nord Invasion and also actually a possibility to code with the current M&B Modding capabilities/code.
Like any of these threads I expect there will be some volume of disagreement. Please if you disagree with someone don't attack them for it, simply state you disagree and why you disagree, what is so bad about this persons idea. Please try to include reasons you can also see this idea working if it was to be implemented.
The more constructive your arguement why you disagree with something another player wants could lead to a new idea that may actually work better. (You may suggest improvements to the original idea that makes the idea better.)
The purpose of this thread is to get ideas to put into Nord Invasion or re-add old features or change existing features. The official Nord Invasion rules apply to this thread just like any other.
#1. Please keep all posts to the point of this thread. Your personal opinion is warranted but not at the expense of someone elses.
#2. Please remember a broad suggestion such as "Bring back Kiting" is far to broad. Please explain WHY you want to see something added/re-added/changed try to include a pro/con list so everyone gets a full understanding WHY you want this added/re-added/changed.
#3. If you disagree with what somebody is suggesting you're welcome to point out reasons why you think the idea is bad. Rather than just say "It sucks" try to discuss ways the idea can be improved/expanded where a "bad" idea becomes a "good" idea
#4. As always please stick within the offical Nord Invasion Rules. Breaking these rules will of course end up in punishment.
There are many of people whom have discussed features in game with me at length that they would like to see change/added/removed etc. But they were unsure where they could post there where not only people would see it, but also where they can feel safe posting it.
Well here is the thread. As stated, there is to be no flaming here please, only constructive criticism. I understand you may not agree with what someone suggests, that is inevitably going to happen. But please don't just try to shut down their idea as a large portion of the community may really like that idea in theory. As mentioned multiple times, EXPAND their idea.
If the development team sees a suggestion(s) as something they are able to do without to much of a time restriction or that is possible to actually add into the game and they feel is a good feature for the game, they will add it to their "To-do list" and when they can get around to it they will. As stated however a suggestion may have a large community support but this may not be released due to restrictions like the ones mentioned earlier.
The development team reserves the right to decline any suggestion.
I'm sorry if some of the above seems to be repeated, sometimes it is difficult to write things on a public forum and not have the message sink in.
If you have a suggestion but you are not willing to post it here, please PM your suggestion (Expansive) to me and I will post it for you anomously.
If there is any confusion over this post please post it here or PM me for clarification.
Well I guess that's it, I'll give you all the floor and let you have your say. Please try to keep the conflict to a minimum ladies and gentlemen.
Kind regards,
Loots - 8