15-12-2011, 07:32 AM
last times everyone want 10k, but i think they just think i will give it to everyone, its not like this... the better description on what you will buy, the higher i will give
put somethin into AH in price 7k and send pw if it will be done.
put somethin into AH in price 7k and send pw if it will be done.
bought wood
put this stick first in 2k. then 5k not 8k, and santa hat will be given too
so at sum 7k + santa hat
i will give you 5k for good description(what you need to buy)
+ santa hat
in future i would give you another 5k, if you will have another good description
Quote:Hey, Im pretty to this new and played this game for 4 days now and am trying to get a class. I am hoping to be able to get a fe weapons and need some help i cant get to the kills before vets thats all.I am hoping for 10k but any amount would be fine. This community has proved nice so far i thank it. I was recommended here by Isaiah and I wanted ask for donation if its possible, I love this mod and I cant believe how fun and how fast this mod is growing.
put somethin into AH in price 7k and send pw if it will be done.
Quote:Hello to everyone on the fourms, my name is Jerry known in game as Apevis. I would like to request a 10k gold loan. My reason for requesting this loan is because I am new to nord invasion and I love it so far, it is the perfected version of Crpg and has some unique aspects as well. The only downside is the difficulty when starting out by yourself. I believe the 10k will allow me to gear myself and start out on the right foot with this game. I would appreciate this very much and will be forever thankful. Have a nice day - Apevis
put somethin into AH in price 7k and send pw if it will be done.
Quote:K ima put some wood and cloth in ah
bought wood
Quote:Login: LawL_LawL
Reason: I just got NordInvasion, 10k would really help me get into it a little faster. At the moment grinding with the sword and darts is rather slow, though it seems a bit faster than grinding in cRPG.
Donation Type: Incremental, 2000 for crooked stick, then 8000 for the other one later.
Amount: 10,000 total oh and a santa hat would be really cool
put this stick first in 2k. then 5k not 8k, and santa hat will be given too
so at sum 7k + santa hat
I would enjoy a Santa hate and 3000k To buy a bow and arrow and get to level 2 Alchemy because I have a n=buncha bonemeal I wana burnAnything would be greatly appreciated!
I want the santa hat to have it I wont sell! (Inless in 4 years it's worth like 40billion)
i will give you 5k for good description(what you need to buy)

in future i would give you another 5k, if you will have another good description