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WTS:Tempest Bow
Just came back to the game after a veryyyyyyy long time prolly 3 years+ and these seem to be my rare items so make me some offers

Heard its worth 100m+ So im looking for gold or other legendaries worth around that amount

Tempest Bow

Looking For:
Stag Bow
Zephyr Arrows
Black Arrows
Volcanic Daggers
Twig of Yggrdasil
Pike of Kings

And any good armor for a thrower or archer!

My steam is
(20-02-2018, 09:35 PM)Akilles Wrote: PS First game back I got that Tempest bow so no idea what its worth!

That made me laugh a little
Hey ; - )

[Image: Geralt]
Congratulations, you have looted the single most expensive item in the game.
Thats awesome thats what these guys in game are telling me they said its worth 200 million which is crazy cause i got like 150k gold to my name
Updated post
Bump got some good offers but seeing what else is out there really want a bow/arrows/archer set or Throwing weapon/armor/polearm

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