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I was wondering of a feature that would be seasonal events like in most games. AFAIK Christmas Event didn't have any unique but made me think of this idea.
Few unique events per year. They would repeat annualy. There would be a server specific to that.
Map and enemies would drastically change their appearance. Season specific legendaries would drop during this period. Increased / decreased chances of some loots / events to fit theme of season.
For example:
Chinese new year (5th - 23rd Feburarty) - Nords need reinforcements from far lands - Chinese themed enemies - Naginata weapon, Samurai Mask, Nodachi drops.
Haloween Event - Dead soldiers comeback to life to claim their revenge - Skeletons - Rusty swords drops, Bone dust drop increased, Wraith spawn chance increased, Scythe drops
Christmas event - Snow everywhere - Ragnarok is harder - Christmas Sugar Candy sword.
Blood Moon - Enemies deal twice more damage.
Praven Defense (map) - Nords Siege capital of Swadia -Increased Spawn of Enemies - Balista like crossbow drops
I think events like that would make NordInvasion bit more unusual and would give genuinely more fun.
I guess some of these features can't be implemented into warband engine. So maybe they would be in Bannerlord.
I could work on models to this for Warband and even for Bannerlord if it would be planned to be there.
Another would be item descriptions that would create lore around Swadia vs Nords. Some references to kings / maps.
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This is a great idea but, implementing this would be rather difficult.
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06-08-2018, 03:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2018, 03:40 AM by Ken_Repeaterman.)
Wake up, half of these events that way there are repeated year after year
Fiendish bow 17
Excalibur 18
Defender Armour 18
Eastern Full Scale 18
Glory 19
Dead Shot 19
Leather Overmail 19
Gloves of Vidar 20
Twigs of Iggdrasil 20
Bannerlord is a drunkard's bottle fight
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Currently we do: Easter/april fools, Halloween (I am currently working on a map for it) and Christmas events.
Changing/making a whole new mode or giving new items and stats to the nords as you have suggested takes quite awhile as every item the nords would have have to be balanced and also specific models will have to accompony these nords. Things like chinese armors and weapons will mainly have to be custom made unless we can get permission from other creators or find free ones online that dont look bad (by the way, for chinese new year the weapons you listed are japanese in origin >__> )
For these events normally we like to have or make different maps for each of these events so as to not keep them being boring and having people discover new maps so that they dont always play the same maps and already know where to cade etc.
A loot a year keeps the interested here
I do maps btw lol
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(06-08-2018, 04:14 AM)DragonFire1 Wrote: (by the way, for chinese new year the weapons you listed are japanese in origin >__> )
Okay, NVM. I'll sit down then. Back to my place XD
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Whatever happened to Swadian Invasion, is that still a thing? Just wondering? I remember that being fun back in the day and trying to kill the dev team as they were bosses etc. and getting rewards while there were like 50 ppl in TS.
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This is an idea which is actually being carried on. We have some special events, like DragonFire says.
But it would surely be fun to have some more, even if the whole modification would be just new looks for enemies.
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(06-08-2018, 06:38 AM)Sharmastyle Wrote: Whatever happened to Swadian Invasion, is that still a thing? Just wondering? I remember that being fun back in the day and trying to kill the dev team as they were bosses etc. and getting rewards while there were like 50 ppl in TS.
Well the most recent swadian invasion didn't exactly go to plan... the Nords had trouble controlling the bots, the server was struggling and everyone was rubber banding pretty hard. And if the nords wanted to not die instantly they'd have to basically hide or spam throwables because of OP swadian gear E.G Aliadrod spam, Dead shot, rending, mangler and ironsong... plus not being able to see your own HP kinda sucks :/.
It might not seem it from the Swadians POV but playing a boss is not as great as it sounds... for instance some nord bosses aren't stronk enough to pick up their own weapons...
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06-08-2018, 08:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2018, 08:34 AM by Sharmastyle.)
(06-08-2018, 07:48 AM)Elmo Wrote: (06-08-2018, 06:38 AM)Sharmastyle Wrote: Whatever happened to Swadian Invasion, is that still a thing? Just wondering? I remember that being fun back in the day and trying to kill the dev team as they were bosses etc. and getting rewards while there were like 50 ppl in TS.
Well the most recent swadian invasion didn't exactly go to plan... the Nords had trouble controlling the bots, the server was struggling and everyone was rubber banding pretty hard. And if the nords wanted to not die instantly they'd have to basically hide or spam throwables because of OP swadian gear E.G Aliadrod spam, Dead shot, rending, mangler and ironsong... plus not being able to see your own HP kinda sucks :/.
It might not seem it from the Swadians POV but playing a boss is not as great as it sounds... for instance some nord bosses aren't stronk enough to pick up their own weapons...
lol, RIP the "good 'ole days" nerds always talk about in channel I suppose. Point taken.
*edit* I should have thrown in a "last nail in the coffin" comment in there for Terath.
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(05-08-2018, 11:39 PM)Rydell | Zocki Models Wrote: For example:
Chinese new year (5th - 23rd Feburarty) - Nords need reinforcements from far lands - Chinese themed enemies - Naginata weapon, Samurai Mask, Nodachi drops.
Those are Japanese, you racist.
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