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Official Rag Event 24.08.2018
Name: BlackDevil
Class: MasterPeltast
Support: Tome/ MSK
Name: [RW]ReD_WaR
Class: Warden
Support: Wall,Barrel
Name: Lilly
Class: RG
Support: Tome
Name: SH_Sigolo
Class: Sentry/Marauder
Support: Tome/MSK or Barrel/Wall/SHC
[Image: acXoGtV.png]

[Image: D7W32lN.jpg]

since im actually home during one of these for once ill come.

Name: VLKA_Rothgar
Class: Zwie, Warden, Sentinal, RG, Mara,
Support: Tome/MSK or Barrel/Wall/SHC
Legendary Loots 

1/5/17  Zephyr
2/24/17 Thunder Pike
4/13/17 Fiendish Bow
2/21/18 Checkered Heavy Lamellar
3/25/18 Gothic Greaves
8/26/18 Zephyr
1/5/19 Ullr's Bane
1/5/19 Tempest
Name: Rydell_Marksman
Class: CM
We are Zocki and Rydell and we make 3D Models for Nord Invasion.

Our goal is it to get Contributor / Developer to help Terath with Models and Textures and all around Modleing.

Our Modeling Thread:

Name: DB_Daedra_IV
Class: Hoplite
Support: Shc
name: Pandemonium
class: Warden
support: shc

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