Cade Placement Preview
There are some problems that are often encountered when constructing barricades: they are hard to place in the right spot (SHC on thin walls), they stack on scene props, they do not align with other cades (gaps/edges between platforms) or drop down where they aren't supposed to (also platforms).
For these reasons I deem it useful to add some kind of preview that shows where exactly cades will be going if constructed in the current position.
In case this requires too much work to code, it would already be useful to display the centre of mass, so as to have an indicator for how to place specific cades.
Support Overhaul
As most people might have noticed by now, engineers are far superior to medics in terms of late game usefulness (regarding runs). Once a medic brought 2 tomes and 2-3 or more MSKs/FMBs are spawned, they are basically obsolete for the remainder of the match. I comprehend support items to be categorised into three different sections: Defensive support (the most basic barriers required to separate Bots and players), Offensive support (anything that affects bots in a way beneficial for the team) and Tactical support (means that affect the players' ability to fight off bots in a positive way).
I suggest to make the following adjustments:
Give medics access to a wider array of tactical and offensive measures. Currently, engineers are accountable for both defensive and all map-related tactical support, including all offensive support (barrels).
For this reason medics should take over a larger portion of tactical support by enabling them to provide shooting opportunity (platform-kind deployables) and cover (eventually dynamic cades like windows to open/close, gates, weaker wall-sized deployables). Offensive support ought not to be engineer only either, given that medic seems closer to alchemical items rather than craftsmanship, which suggests introducing throwing flasks with special effects.
Master Peltast Perk
I propose enabling Master Peltasts to switch their throwables from ranged to melee and back without delay.
The idea behind this is the fact that a vast majority of throwables is greatly limited in terms of ammunition count. Thus, MPs are often required to wear 4 stacks of ammo so as not to run short before the end of the wave, resulting in a lack of polearms/separate melee weapons. This is especially a problem when fighting Assassin-type enemies, which requires quick reactions.
In my opinion, the Master Peltast is designated to excel in the use of throwables. Therefore it should not be forced to rely on additional melee equipment if there is the possibility to make use of what melee weapons are already available.
Repeaterman Perk
These perks are what I found to be quite useful for Repeater (my main class). The second one could probably be applied to all xbow classes (if adapted to each individual hero).
- Quick Reload (Repeater only)
As a Repeaterman, it is vital to always have as many shots available as possible so as to land the killing blows quickly; especially with (relatively) low accuracy and strong bots, it often takes several shots to avoid leaving a nearly dead bot to rampage, just in order to reload.This is why I suggest giving Repeatermen the ability to reload their repeaters faster the more bolts are remaining in the magazine.Ideally, a single press on V reloads at a speed that depends the leftover bolts while holding V empties the whole magazine (no idea if Warband is capable of doing that)
Now on to the interesting perk:
- Siege Stance (all xbow heroes)
Seeing how crossbowmen are frequently associated with siege tasks, I thought it would only be suitable to give them their own little specialty:Upon entering siege stance (perhaps Q key), the player will receive a number of benefits in exchange for stat penalties. These up- and downsides could consist of- Pro: (eventually crouching to resemble Siege stance,) greater accuracy (esp. Repeaters), greater reload speed/fire rate, greater missile speed, special knockdown/knockback effects (esp. CMs), greater armour (esp. Pavise) and so on...
- Con: greater vulnerability, significant decrease in movement speed/immobility (both similar to Odin's ability), greater ammo costs, lower reload speed/fire rate and so on...
- As I said earlier, each of these ups and downs have to be adjusted to their respective class. An example Siege stance for the Chosen Marksman could be knockback in exchange for immobility while using the stance.This can, of course, be transferred to other classes with different effects (eg. a Royal Guard that restores an mount of its shield's health by temporarily lowering their max HP (=non-healable)).If the penalties don't seem to make up for the benefits, it might also be possible to add timers to each perk in order to avoid overuse.
Cheering Timer
I'm almost sure we can all agree that this is the core element of the latest patch. The timer is set to 30 seconds (from what I experienced), but everyone knows cheering is life. Spam might be a reasonable argument against making it shorter, but I suppose 15-20 seconds won't hurt that bad.
Mortar Enemies for Hard/Rag
Most of you should have seen the new Donators' bots on Normal by now ("Boorish Commoner" - naked guy throwing beer at you). Personally, I would love to see something likewise on Hard and especially Ragnarok mode - Rydell's most recent
Rythja's Bomb seems like a perfect fit to me.