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New building system and how it affects the meta
With building system changes released today I want to analyze it to found how to cade in the future.

I assume I understood these changes correctly however feel free to correct me if I wrong.

So now a team have 6 building points (BP) per wave = 18 BP per respawn cycle.
These 18 BP are either 6 walls, either 9 shc, either 18 depshields.
So with building with walls you can have 6*3200=19200 cades hp,
with shc - 9*3300=29700hp (55% more),
with shields - 18*3400=61200hp (more then 200% more)!

We see how cading with shc is dominating over walls' one. Yes, obviously cading with shc have some disadvantages; for example you need 9 players with shcs instead of 6 with walls, but you get 55% more cadeshp with it! And there are a lot of maps where it's easy to close choke point with shc.

About dep shields, they could be even better, but you need literally everyone with them except couple of tomebringers. If let's say you have 14 ppl with them it's 47600 cadeshp. Yes you can say you can't utilize it well, but it built well (2 per row at same point as shcs) bots could need to destroy 13/14 depshields to get into you anyway.

And I don't even mention what if depshields have more then 1 charge (no one can craft them yet). With 3 charges on each 2 people with such shields could provide more cading hp then 6 ppl with walls.
And even with normal dep shields it would be nice because 1300hp*3charges=3900hp per person (more then wall). But unlikely depshields dont work in new update at all. So waiting for fix.
confused af.... why ur taking the time calculating this tuff
nerf coming
Loots : 20

(31-10-2018, 03:56 PM)Pleb Wrote: confused af.... why ur taking the time calculating this tuff

At least now we know how's more efficient to cade.

To say it simplier:
- Walls are shit now;
- new SHC is way to go (if it's visually SHC and not some shit like old Heavy Barricade);
- Strong DepShields are best cading strategy in theory, but could be difficult to implement in on practice.
Dep shield stronger than wall? I wonder what's next, paper cade (4400 hp)? Wink
But seriously: the building points cost should correspond the strength of the cade. Otherwise it makes little sense.
Something that everyone is forgetting is the size of the cades. Dep shield's are way smaller than the other cades and would take way more of them to fill the same area.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q
(01-11-2018, 12:11 AM)Sargent Q Wrote: Something that everyone is forgetting is the size of the cades.  Dep shield's are way smaller than the other cades and would take way more of them to fill the same area.

Yes basically that's why I said it can be good in theory but not on practice.

But even on practice there are funnels where you can cade with 2 dep shields in a row. And in such places 2 dep shields with 3400hp each is better then 1 shc with 3300hp. But it's still situational so I think new SHC is a way to go.

And you need to have special team composition to make dep shields cading, though it would be funny to see let's say 15 depshields owners + 1 tomebringer at Nordic Village. And you can add 5 dep shields row on a bridge every wave. And to wave 15 it's 15 depshield rows, 3400*5=17k hp each row. Yes you'll lose some shields in a process, but not much, because every shield has more hp then a wall. It would be hillarious, shame there is no 15 depshields owners, probably it's 0 in whole mod right now )))

But really, just think about it 15 rows with 17k hp each row = 255k cades HP, it's approximately 80 walls. You can say 'ye, but you can build 75 walls with 15 bringers', but not anymore, as now you have only 90 BP per run, which is only 30 walls.

And in more narrow passages you can make in work with 3 or even 2 shields in a row.

But obviously you need at least 3 dep shields in a team, otherwise no cades for first waves.
All you really need is a shit ton of tower shields.
Loots: 30
Tower shield META Smile
(01-11-2018, 11:14 AM)Quail Wrote: All you really need is a shit ton of tower shields.

And maybe this is the answer. You can bring 3 tower shields per respawn and they cost 0 BP, you can repair them between waves, and you can even bring tome alongside with them becoming ultimate support. All you need is someone who'll drop xbow for you.

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