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Event Brainstorming and Suggestions
I am not sure if it still got wrote, but what about regular events like every saturday 2,3,4- times gold and on sunday 2,3,4 - times xp.
15.09.2017 Leviathan`s Treads
22.10.2017 Worm Bane
23.12.2017 Gothic Plate
22.04.2018 Defender Boots
20.05.2018 Dragon Halberd
02.09.2018 Defender Boots
07.12.2020 Imperial Halfplate - Blue
11.12.2020 Zephyr
14.02.2021 Studded Gauntlets
13.03.2021 Dragon Arrows
05.03.2022 Heavy Scaled Greaves
14.12.2023 Typhoon
18.05.2024 Gloves of Vidar
07.03.2024 Knight Helmet

Give me your stuff Blame!
Kiting event would be great
Hey ; - )

[Image: Geralt]
Defend the king:

One randome player gets the title king at the beginning of the round.
The others have to defend him until the waves are over. More trickster. No Cades. No price.
can bots try to focus the player with king title?

(bonusidea: Bots are way stronger than normal, but players can respawn every minute if the die. except the player with the king title ofc.)

Prophunt (garrys mod gamemode):

maybe two player are the hunters, while the others can transform into stuff on the map and try to hide from the hunters.
hunters get a bow and arrows (or crossbow), if they hit smth else than a player they lose health.
don't know if this is possible to do in m&b.


one player start as a nord with more health and somewhat better armor and a pike + sword + 3 daggers (daggers nearly oneshot).
if he kills a swadian player they turn into "normal nords" and can help to hunt the others.

swadian players start with a sword, low health and worse amor than the nord. they can try to kill the nord or hide from him until time is over.
"normal nords" strong as swadian players, maybe a little bit better.
Characters: DB_Queens_Guard - DB_Ria_Valentine - DB_Mia_Valentine - DB_Larzarus - DB_Rilius - DB_Legiata

31.08.2018 - Black Arrows
16.02.2019 - Bulwark of Swadia
17.02.2019 - Pike of Kings
23.07.2019 - Mjolnir
29.12.2019 - Ornate Scale Armour
08.03.2020 - Pike of Kings

Proud member of the URGF.
(20-09-2019, 02:07 PM)Alphaa Wrote:
(20-09-2019, 12:34 AM)Woody Wrote:
(20-09-2019, 12:26 AM)Alphaa Wrote: Yeeeah no. Not everybody is tryharding and rushing everything.

Some of those people are people that want this game to get harder. It would be easier to nerf us but it's more likely the waves on rag will just get harder.

Or just make it a new mode like the initial idea suggested. Imagine new players on this even more difficult Rag mode you´re suggesting.

When it comes down to it we have "easy" + normal + hard + rag + cav + event servers. A harder mode than rag makes no sense given new servers would need to be payed for. But more importantly it would be easier to change existing modes then make completely new ones.

Even if a harder mode was made for events I have doubts that the devs will want to use the same bots. What's harder than "Ragnarok” even? A completely new gamemode to solve this problem is not needed.

I joke saying "hard" is normal and "rag" is hard but am I wrong? Don't get me wrong "hard" can be hard if you don't have a good team but that's the point here. We at a community level have got better gear over the years making it strange not seeing any legendary in a 16/16 server. I'm not even sure when the last rag server I was on when people didn't have any upgraded things other than me.

I would want rag to be harder so ALL teams actually need to communicate when doing runs. Ever been to a db event it's practically on autopilot. Making the hardest mode in the game truly hard will be difficult. I don't think the answer to this is to purely buff the bots as I still want a team with house craftables to be able to do it. Maybe do that to some extent but I think the idea would be reward a team that goes into it knowing what to do and when to do it.

Making back up waves then at some a death wave solves the afk team. I'm sure your been on servers and seen half of a team clearly doing more work and I'm not talking about kills here. I didn't suggest how long it would take until these waves would come as I truly don't know. I would also expanded on bosses abilities and changing some waves a bit.

Odin's chosen are laughable for example... Heath wise they will be better than Thor's chosen but is that it? Practically they do the same damage almost but Thor's chosen can throw...

I suggested this a year ago or so at this point or maybe less but I think it would be cool if Odin's chosen were turned into Odin's chosen (Warden) Odin's chosen (Jugg). The idea being w15 is Odin him self + 16 heros that act like mini bosses.

Warden would be just about as good as Hodor or so
Senti would turn into loke just about if you get him into 1h
Sentry would have crush through if you get him into Melee

Ranger would be tankyer version of warden with less dps
Mp would be good throwing
Hoplite would be the best Valkyrie I guess
Mara would have crush through if you get him into Melee
Halb would be a tank in melee
Cm would be a better siege master
Avent would turn into loke just about in 1h
Repeater would be ...
Pc would be a healer I guess given 
Leg would be a slow thrower but would turn into loke if you get him into Melee
Zwei would be just as hard as tyr or so
Rg would be in 1h and shield but can heal him self 
Jugg would be the tank doing lower damage but has hp by far. 

W15 could always be a the fixed Odin and the 16 so it gives a reason to want as much people as you can in server.

At the end I don't want rag to be impossible for a full house crafted team but at the same time I don't want to let teams take 5 minutes to do a wave. People are free to play as they want and that's why we have 16 heroes as it's truly up to you on how you play. At some point in saying this I do understand if people want to play "slow" they can but when is to slow? Should we allow super casually play to the point half of the team can be semi afk or should we give a reason the team needs to be active as they can't afford to have anyone afk. What I suggest here is a suggestion as I don't care how you do it I just want the outcome. 

If you have a more feasible idea then say so.
I doubt there would be a need for new servers considering there are plenty unused and server hopping is a thing anyways. Choosing the best maps n stuff. I haven´t played the game in a long time. But back when I was playing still I´d kite. I´ve always found more joy in kiting and many others surely agree, Rag is hard enough as it is in that regard. Now imagine the chinese players that recently finished their first Hard run attempting Rag, it´ll be nearly impossible for them. I don´t think updates should mainly be directed towards veterans but new players rather, and the average folk. Done with this now, forgot half the things I wanted to say and just typed what came up in my mind, deadtired. So if something I wrote doesn´t make sense, my apologies. Lol.
(21-09-2019, 12:34 AM)Alphaa Wrote: I doubt there would be a need for new servers considering there are plenty unused and server hopping is a thing anyways. Choosing the best maps n stuff. I haven´t played the game in a long time. But back when I was playing still I´d kite. I´ve always found more joy in kiting and many others surely agree, Rag is hard enough as it is in that regard. Now imagine the chinese players that recently finished their first Hard run attempting Rag, it´ll be nearly impossible for them. I don´t think updates should mainly be directed towards veterans but new players rather, and the average folk. Done with this now, forgot half the things I wanted to say and just typed what came up in my mind, deadtired. So if something I wrote doesn´t make sense, my apologies. Lol.

From an EU prospective servers are cheap. I'm not sure how many servers NA has atm as im on a holiday. I can tell you Au and the new chinese ones only have 1 option for each mode.

As said before I want rag to be something a team with only housecraftables could do but a system that still is arguably harder then ATM. This is 100% posable given public teams on rag can complete rag with half the team being "afk" or at lest not putting in 100% let alone 75%.

An argument could be made this mod needs to make updates for veterans so they have a reason to stay. I'm not going to protended I've donated for servers but I can tell you at many points in my time playing this I've been the only Au. I've seen so many new Au players come and go over the years from boredom. Boredom is arrived from doing the same thing over and over again but it happens even faster when the job is easy. 

1. Some Au people start a house or just donate to get Au servers back

2. More and more Au people come for the 1st time or come back from being afg.

3. In time they start doing weekly rag runs

4. Part of the main core of the house goes afg and other people follow

5. The servers go down and the house is just about done.

6. And repeat. That's how Vlka, Loc, Mov, and others have gone down.

Me and I guess Dragonfire + some others have lasted the longest time away from not having Au servers. I can't speak for them but for me ping is my challenge as it makes the game so much harder. The joke for Au players is we play better with 300 ping vs 15 and the joke is on us because it true to some degree. For me I've just got use to the delays of ping and others are to cocky with having low ping thinking they can take over the world. Guess that's me as well.

Making rag harder for the the sake it's so predictable is part of the reason to change it. 

Believe me I like kiting look at my 1st post on this thread. My question to you is why do you like kiting? Is it because it's harder... The risk is what makes us like kiting even more so with the 1 support and it being a solo. I think the start of rag is about fine going from wave 1-8 in difficulty. The end is were I want the challenge to be. 

Having a timer on each wave showing when the back up will come will make kiting 100% harder. Should this be condided when adding back up waves? Maybe? Like I said the fun of kiting is the chanagle. Considering you will have the same time to kill how many bots spawn for you vs a 20 people server seems about fair. Yes it will be harder but is it really harder for people that kite? You already know kiting is not as efficient as a full run given the run is normally faster and kills more bots.

Believe me I like kiting but I don't kite for loot on rag I kite away from the boredom that I did 10 perfect rag runs in a row on public servers.

P. S. Go kite on cav for loot.
I´m kiting for loot in a sense that only I or my friend will get the loot and I don´t have to watch others get things. For me kiting means the gameplay is interactive but there is nobody to mess things up but myself or a friend. The timer thing would piss me off because again, Rag is hard enough and fun enough to kite in my eyes, considering there aren´t exactly top tier kiting maps, and I like to chill between waves.

Anyways I think we are slowly going off topic so let´s just end this here and focus on being productive again.
Nostalgia Server

Have a server with maps from the early years of NI (2012). Wouldn't mind revisiting them for a while.
Buff Malice
(21-09-2019, 06:01 PM)Cut-Me-Own-Throat-Dibbler Wrote: Nostalgia Server

Have a server with maps from the early years of NI (2012). Wouldn't mind revisiting them for a while.

Could also have the old bots and wave numbers
(21-09-2019, 06:10 PM)Sir Baron Wrote:
(21-09-2019, 06:01 PM)Cut-Me-Own-Throat-Dibbler Wrote: Nostalgia Server

Have a server with maps from the early years of NI (2012). Wouldn't mind revisiting them for a while.

Could also have the old bots and wave numbers

yes please w16 nord knights Big Grin

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