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Nord Veteran Pikemen
Youngsters ^^
Shieldwalls weren't really used back then, didn't know we could swing through each other at the time.

And they weren't necessary until the prince or hard mode came along.
Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

No longer active.
Still not as sucky as when one maxed out cav would solo to prince with 10 other people there haha
The problem with so much pikes is, when you died along all your items were gone since the pikes overlaps themĀ  :Smile Good old times ... good old ... times.
[move][align=center] S[color=blue]o[color=green]p[color=purple]h[color=brown]i[color=teal]e[/move]
[align=center][Image: whnwaa.jpg]

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