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Leveling to 52 without using Assist Xp
As soon as I had a upgraded Wormbane, I wanted to make a character, which I level up without using Assist Xp.

Here I document this journey and analyze what can be fatal for Newbies and Why it is Better to not spend all Assist XP to Level up

On the left side we have lots of "Level Up Messages". As you can see, most involve finishing quests. This is because most of the quest net 10k ranged and 10k melee xp. So repeating those over and over again is a fast way to level up while converting the assist xp into gold. This might take a few days to reset the quest timer over and over again. (between 1 and 3 days)

At Level 42 I already had the gold needed to upgrade to Hero Class. Meanwhile most Players recommend newbies to convert all assist xp into Melee Xp to level up fast to 52. This basically allows newbies to get into Rag servers with only a normal barricade (if they even bring support) and swadian recruit vests. Additionally they mostly don't even get how the AI Pathing works because of the lack of NI-Experience.

So please don't recommend New Players to use all assist Xp to level up. In the end they will be the ones buying your old Stuff from Auction Hall (and they won't have to grind those 750k with bad equipment at level 52)

On the right side, I documented troubles with Cav. There is no "Welcome to the Army" Quest for Cav. Neither are there ponies anymore as there once was. This makes Cav a steep learning curve and does not motivate newbies to play it. Adding quests, which reward a Trained Pony and 10k Mounted Xp, aswell as Repeatable Quests (Collecting Horse-Heads etc.) which are repeatable and get some Mounted Xp would help attracting more players to Cav.

Note that i did not sell anything or craft anything for all the Mats I looted. (If you won't do Quests and use Assist Xp for Gold only you would have even more Mats and Gold at Level 52)

Beginner seems to lack any Loots except from Nord Apprentice (which seems to have the same Loot Table as from Cav Nord Apprentice)

Conclusion: All in all this was a challenging, but rewarding Task I've set myself to do, once I got the most Powerful Weapon a Recruit can Wield.

Cav needs some Quests to make it easier for Beginners.
Leandero do that aswell
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"It was a hot day and i was annoyed " Lord Montagu 
"You can buy 2 Twigs for one Valsgarde" Managarm
"Banterin stop killing you are making my score look stupid" Qrvishion
"Wait arent you PCK? lol" VLKA_Julia
This is a nice thread.

But the thing about levelling up using quests only is only viable if you have, like in your case, a legendary weapon, and you pick a class that allows you to kite. New players that choose infantry aren't going to have a fun time trying to solo run a server, even on beginner, given how the bots programmed combat mechanics work. I've seen new players who aren't very melee capable, and the bots aren't very forgiving in any circumstance.

On top of this, I don't imagine a lot of new players want to no-life this game non-stop for the same amount of time. I'm a game addict, and I can only play Nord Invasion for about 4-5 hours a day before I start losing the will to live.

"This basically allows newbies to get into Rag servers with only a normal barricade (if they even bring support) and swadian recruit vests. Additionally they mostly don't even get how the AI Pathing works because of the lack of NI-Experience." - This part is half-wrong.

I've got friends who made new characters or were new to the game and by the time they got to Level 52, they had prioritised getting the best possible equipment from the Marketplace. Now I helped them level in most cases, over the course of a couple weeks, and helped provide advice, and some equipment upgrades, and even went out of my way to loan them part of the money needed for Hero Class.

What you call a lack of NI-Experience can easily be remedied if new players were interacted with better by existing clans, rather than being left to fend for themselves.

I'd agree though that Cav needs more quests, but I'd one-up your suggestion with this. If Cav receives more quests there needs to be a change:

A - There need to be more than 1 Cav Server per World Area.
B - Each Cav Server needs to have increased player pop.
Legendary Loots
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Swaliant September 2019
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Only used assist XP on first character and only to get required melee XP for class upgrade.
Wow, this is super cool. I'll look into making more cav quests.
if you have problem of the model variety send it to winter xen winter me winter me xen me winter because it'll piss him off
I actually assumed you'd take longer, defiantly congrats on that time. If you actually manage to do good runs all day with the max stuff you can play at most, you can get one char to lv 52 within 2 days (or maybe even less if you're luckier with the quests and get the right bots). If you have enough cash ready that's probably a matter on how fast you want to get to 52. I actually kept all my mats on the char I "speed-leveled" up to check if I could afford hero just by itself, turned out I could craft myself a SHC fairly early and if I'd have sold my mats at 52, I would have the required 750k for hero (I belive it was sth around 920kish) but that was as the material prices were a bit higher so probably it woudn't work out in the current situation.
[Image: w6ZxTrO.png] Total: Loots: 61 & Upgrades: 36

2018: _1
2019: 15
2020: 17
2021: 15
2022: _8
2023: _1
2024: _2
2025: _2

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I will use this tactic before going grave.
Loots : 20

A few of my heros were made this way. I think it was my sentry or jugg that got no kills till I was LVL 52 so I have experience doing the complete opposite as well.

The biggest problem is it's more efficient to be where the people are so you get xp faster. Even if you see 5 people on rag on a good map you are better off going into a almost full normal server.

Now as you found out I'm sure even if you can't join the main run on the I'd as you are not LVL 32 or 39 just join it with a hero that can. At one point I had a lower lvl for normal + hard and had one over 39 for rag.

One thing I would want tested is beginner servers as I guess if I did this today I would try to stay on them till I have the xp for hard. So I would be LVL 27 ish and need the xp for LVL 32. Am I wrong thinking that could be a lot faster if anyone played on the beginner servers.
(17-08-2019, 05:17 AM)Woody Wrote: One thing I would want tested is beginner servers as I guess if I did this today I would try to stay on them till I have the xp for hard. So I would be LVL 27 ish and need the xp for LVL 32. Am I wrong thinking that could be a lot faster if anyone  played on the beginner servers.

Beginner Server give way more Xp than Normal Ones, Sadly they give almost no loot (except heavy cloth on apprentice)

giving Beginner Server some Rare mats like Heavy Cloth or Chain links (very rarely) , aswell as normal mats (not as much as in normal) + Opening Beginner for People above 26 would give beginners an easier time learning the game as there actually would be players playing beginner to help them. (some already do that, but most of the time only to friends or rarely to strangers)

Maybe also adding some kind of Tutorial Script on the website that forces you to make some Quiz about NI mechanics before you can acess Hard or Rag servers
Well done, Grats Smile

Cant wait to see new Cav Quests Tongue
[Image: SprsIGG.png] [Image: cHTj01v.png]
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