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The Scarlet Knights [SK][NA][Open to Applications]
Since I heard something about the tournaments being on EU servers, I thought for sure they would be EU times... 5 pm EST to me (in EU) is like 11 pm on a night before work xD
But well, if it doesn't drag on for too long, I guess I will still be available if you need me.
As SK and WK are both mainly US houses I tried to plan them for american times. I realise that no time is ever going to suit 100% of players but I'm trying by best. The time they have chosen is far nicer than my proposed 2am...
Give a man a fish, and you have fed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will continue fishing even if you give him a fish.
- Fingus
I apologize, I did not mean to complain Big Grin
I know you guys are doing your best.
Alright, so Achilles and I have talked through this, and we have decided that we will try to field 6 players each instead of the ten that we are down for. I believe I saw in Hyper's thread that we are allowed to do that. This being said, here are the six that I have decided on.

Sigvatr ((known as Sly) (friend from Native)

If Sly doesn't turn out to be able to make, I will rotate someone else in.

Start the game already!
Also, I want everyone on the list in TS and ready to get their gear from me at 3pm EST. We're gunna need some time to practice and work out how we're gunna do this.
Start the game already!
Win it for me you bastards
Best of luck
- The slaying of a nord is an art -
- All is fair in love, war, and the Auction House -
- Respect is earned -
Hey guys! We have two hours until we face, wK!! Please get on TS ASAP! I want to get gear sorted and roles figured out well in advance so we don't slow things down for the devs.
Start the game already!
(30-06-2013, 07:57 AM)Gashy link Wrote:Win it for me you bastards
Best of luck

Will do Gashy!
Hypernoma loves me. He misses me already!

(09-08-2013, 02:00 AM)Hypernoma link Wrote:Work? Ew.
Good game guys  Big Grin
Thought you might wanna see this and learn from it for next Tournament.

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