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Hello there archers
You can get yourself Tracker/Royal Sniper/Heavy Bear set, those have costs from about 1.75m/3.5m/3.5m cash plus mats, which are quite cheap atm. Other then that you could craft yourself either the Steel Reaver/The Splitter/Fire Blade (costs 100k (in mats)/350k (in mats)/2m + 18 lumps (90k together)).

Ebony/Elmwood Arrows are 1m + mats (roughly 1.5m alltogether).
Supportwise, the Heavy Barricade (old SHC) is around 150k, the Wall is around 1.5m (both only take mats).

Then you should save for an upgrade of your bow. (5m + mats (3-5m))
[Image: w6ZxTrO.png] Total: Loots: 61 & Upgrades: 36

2018: _1
2019: 15
2020: 17
2021: 15
2022: _8
2023: _1
2024: _2
2025: _2

‌‌ ‌‌Julia's little Armory | Steam
(08-04-2019, 02:39 PM)Green_Dragon Wrote: The Warden bow (Huntress) has 1 dmge less than a Hurricane. 

It's the same.

If it's not it should be going from all the other 1 hero stuff
(08-04-2019, 02:55 PM)Woody Wrote:
(08-04-2019, 02:39 PM)Green_Dragon Wrote: The Warden bow (Huntress) has 1 dmge less than a Hurricane. 

It's the same.

If it's not it should be going from all the other 1 hero stuff

1. It is not. Huntress 39p, Hurricane 40p.
2. Hurricane might be upgraded and becomes much better bow, even probably best by cost/power ratio.
3. Easiest upgrade here is obviously Fiendish, but even Cursed Fiendish is only 39p so I'm not big fan of it, though it's decent outside Rag. And upgrade is unavailable atm iirc so whatever.
(08-04-2019, 03:03 PM)Forward Wrote:
(08-04-2019, 02:55 PM)Woody Wrote:
(08-04-2019, 02:39 PM)Green_Dragon Wrote: The Warden bow (Huntress) has 1 dmge less than a Hurricane. 

It's the same.

If it's not it should be going from all the other 1 hero stuff

1. It is not. Huntress 39p, Hurricane 40p.
2. Hurricane might be upgraded and becomes much better bow, even probably best by cost/power ratio.
3. Easiest upgrade here is obviously Fiendish, but even Cursed Fiendish is only 39p so I'm not big fan of it, though it's decent outside Rag. And upgrade is unavailable atm iirc so whatever.

Got some problems here 

Having an Item that 97% of your wealth is a bit... adding i talked to him he has got almost 0 mats so crafting the upgraded would not even happen. Its out now so he would have about 3 weeks to get the mats for ssbow and the dark offering.

"by cost/power ratio"

You do realise that's scales with how much you are worth. For example, people say a GXT 1060 or an RTX 1660... etc is that but it's not for 2 groups 1 that has more money and the other that has less... It's up to the budget of the consumer to some people hell 4 RTX 2080ti could be "by cost/power ratio"

If the budget is small you care more about the cost if it's big you care about that power. Look at upgrades in the beginning when it was 20m+ cash or even now. 0 upgrade will be a good way someone should spending their money if they still have mostly light blues on them
(08-04-2019, 03:44 PM)Woody Wrote: 0 upgrade will be a good way someone should speed there money if they still have mostly light blues on them

Yes and no. I already answered with list of housecrafted stuff I would get, but as Fiendish upgrade is available now I would go for it, because it's really only DPS what matters for archer. Moreover, next week someone could easily play April servers and roll free tomes/heavy armour and such.

It's only Dark Offering to farm and should be doable, moreover having 6m already.

As I said I'm not a fan of Cursed Fiendish, but better then non-cursed anyway and never bad investment.
sell your f.bow for huntress heavy bear set elmwood or ebony arrow tome msk that's will be good
21.04.2018 Dragon Axe
03.06.2018 Heavy Sallet
06.06.2018 Imperial Halplate -Red
01.02.2019 Royal Helmet
10.02.2019 Penetrator
12.02.2019 Eagle Crossbow
05.05.2019 Plate Over Leather
16.07.2019 Excalibur
(08-04-2019, 03:03 PM)Forward Wrote:
(08-04-2019, 02:55 PM)Woody Wrote:
(08-04-2019, 02:39 PM)Green_Dragon Wrote: The Warden bow (Huntress) has 1 dmge less than a Hurricane. 

It's the same.

If it's not it should be going from all the other 1 hero stuff

1. It is not. Huntress 39p, Hurricane 40p.

15 days is 40 pierce
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