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The Scarlet Knights [SK][NA][Open to Applications]
Can you invite my alt it's Sniper_Blade
You really do have to try this Stupid but somehow amazing website out!
Also for every fish lover
maybe have the event at 9 or 8 pm eastern time tonight?
steam: Fluffiluffigus

Archer: SK_Fluffy_Archer
Deployable wall: SK_Fluffy_Footman
Over compensater : SK_Fluffy_Pikeman
Floor-mounted Turret: SK_Fluffy_Xbow
Halbredier: Vlad_the_Impaler
Eternal Redshirt: Fluffiluffigus
We ended up starting the event so if any SK members want to join, now is your chance.
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma
Player Name: Carl_Sanders
Alt/s: Don't know what that means
Level of Main: 35
Class of Main: Sergeant, Archer, Field Medic
Do you have TS3 and a mic: Yes
Reason for wanting to join SK: Searching for a house
(08-11-2012, 01:23 AM)Carl_Sanders link Wrote:Player Name: Carl_Sanders
Alt/s: Don't know what that means
Level of Main: 35
Class of Main: Sergeant, Archer, Field Medic
Do you have TS3 and a mic: Yes
Reason for wanting to join SK: Searching for a house

If I may comment on this app:

Carl does not have any alternate characters. Also he's a chill motherlicker. We certainly tore up some nord asshole today in todays event.
- The slaying of a nord is an art -
- All is fair in love, war, and the Auction House -
- Respect is earned -
Still no PC but its ok I have a GameBoy to sustain me. In the meantime you guys are spared from my stinkyness!


I'm thinking about ascending to the heavens. It seems very quaint.
[Image: gQUGcYN.gif?1]
Need invites

SK_Shoryuken, SK_KhmiePoo
You really do have to try this Stupid but somehow amazing website out!
Also for every fish lover
Carl_Sanders, an invite has been sent. Welcome to the Order Scarlet Knights. Unfortunately you've joined during a time when many members of the leadership haven't been very active. But we'll still have events.

(08-11-2012, 07:41 AM)Jarold link Wrote:I'm thinking about ascending to the heavens. It seems very quaint.

Don't do it, Jarold! Heaven is full of assholes >_<
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma

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