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The Scarlet Knights [SK][NA][Open to Applications]
(01-03-2013, 07:53 PM)Genpuu link Wrote:Could I have an invite for 2453905, my new pokeman.

And what mats are needed for the house crafting? Currently saving up for the Field Medic Boxes, but I'm 22 Leads away from that -.- Have a few HM / SW to spare though.

Sent. Also we need Bent Swords, Old Boots, Cloth, and Metal.
- The slaying of a nord is an art -
- All is fair in love, war, and the Auction House -
- Respect is earned -
Hmm... I see... I am in quite a need of those myself atm, but if you just want exp, we could do some trades for Bent Swords -> Metal etc... I am not too bothered about lvling my profs since I haven't even passed lvl 10 on any of 'em.

And ty for the inv.

Charakter: Skywalker (Level 45. Commando /Crossbowman,2444477)
                      Skywalker_Sniper (Level 48. Sniper /Infanterie,2443740)
                        Skywalker_Pikeman (Level 22. Heavy Skimisher,2442765)
                          Skywalker_Sharpshooter (Level 15. Heavy Crossbowman,2442584)
Crafting : 8 Blacksmith, 3 Armorsmith, 5 Alchemist....
Do you have TS and a Mic: Yes
Reason: I need a funny house with good players and teamplayers.....

FF_Skywalker- Marauder
FF_Skywallker- Warden
FF_Skywalllker- Zweihänder
(01-03-2013, 09:52 PM)Skywalker link Wrote:Hey

Charakter: Skywalker (Level 45. Commando /Crossbowman,2444477)
                      Skywalker_Sniper (Level 48. Sniper /Infanterie,2443740)
                        Skywalker_Pikeman (Level 22. Heavy Skimisher,2442765)
                          Skywalker_Sharpshooter (Level 15. Heavy Crossbowman,2442584)
Crafting : 8 Blacksmith, 3 Armorsmith, 5 Alchemist....
Do you have TS and a Mic: Yes
Tessin: I need a funny house with good players and teamplayers.....

I'll get back to your application with a result in 1-2 business days. If you would like to help your chances I would STRONGLY advise hanging out in our TS channel as well as attending our event on Saturday (see the house events board)
- The slaying of a nord is an art -
- All is fair in love, war, and the Auction House -
- Respect is earned -
Defender level 21 Bitches #yolo

[Image: ThKaBS5.gif]
- The slaying of a nord is an art -
- All is fair in love, war, and the Auction House -
- Respect is earned -
Bwhaha, brilliant celebration.

Also, ignore that edit from me, didn't change anything.
Can anyone lend me some gold so I can respec, I have no gold.  :'( :'(
(02-03-2013, 03:21 AM)Khmer link Wrote:Can anyone lend me some gold so I can respec, I have no gold.  :'( :'(

How much?

Also I hope to see you all at the event tomorrow. It could be you that loots an AGS Wink
- The slaying of a nord is an art -
- All is fair in love, war, and the Auction House -
- Respect is earned -
(02-03-2013, 03:21 AM)Khmer link Wrote:Can anyone lend me some gold so I can respec, I have no gold.  :'( :'(
Just start another redshirt and never worry about re-speccing again!
When 0.5 comes out, there might be free respecs.
#20108       SK_Iron_Marauder ;  Previously SK_Iron, SK_Ironhill, SB_Ironhill, Swadius_of_Ironhills
#2462148    SK_Mica ; Previously Fat_and_Ugly
#2441007    SK_Royal_Guard_Gneiss ; Previously SK_Herr_Gneiss_Preasts
#2451456    SK_Hardy_Meat_Piston
#2432942    Raicho
#2514714    Ric_Flair


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