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The Scarlet Knights [SK][NA][Open to Applications]
(16-08-2017, 05:45 AM)Sharmastyle Wrote:
(16-08-2017, 03:21 AM)Tsukiyomi Wrote:
(16-08-2017, 12:40 AM)Sharmastyle Wrote:
(14-08-2017, 08:32 PM)Galen_Thalheimer Wrote:
(14-08-2017, 05:40 AM)Midren Wrote: i can has a join? #bringback[NO]?

I'm not sure there is anything active going on.

On a side note, who is the house crafter? I wanted to craft a SHC to sell. Also, if anyone has a fiendish they'd be willing to lend me (I know there are several floating around the house) and/or 7 bronze arrowheads to give/trade for, I'm interested.

NI Alive?

what is dead may never die

[Image: Bl0Tp7j.jpg]

Worse things can happen.

(16-08-2017, 06:17 AM)Winter Wrote:
(16-08-2017, 05:45 AM)Sharmastyle Wrote:
(16-08-2017, 03:21 AM)Tsukiyomi Wrote:
(16-08-2017, 12:40 AM)Sharmastyle Wrote:
(14-08-2017, 08:32 PM)Galen_Thalheimer Wrote: I'm not sure there is anything active going on.

On a side note, who is the house crafter? I wanted to craft a SHC to sell. Also, if anyone has a fiendish they'd be willing to lend me (I know there are several floating around the house) and/or 7 bronze arrowheads to give/trade for, I'm interested.

NI Alive?

what is dead may never die

[Image: Bl0Tp7j.jpg]

Worse things can happen.

“Of all creatures that breathe and move upon the earth, nothing is bred that is weaker than man.” 
MP - Warden - Sentinel - Zwei - Pavise - RG - Halbradier

Steam  Legendaries

Feel free to add on steam for trades.
So...why the switch back to the Scarlet Blade banner? The Scarlet Knights one was to honor the SB and PK houses that merged. Of course, not sure if anyone from that era is even around anymore.
House Thalheimer: Galen (Legionnaire), Wilhelm (Warden), Johann (Chosen Marksmen), Friedrich (Master Peltast) [Engineers]
Crafting: Blacksmith Max, Armorsmith Max, Alchemy Max, Support 22, Defender 14
NI House: The Order of Scarlet Blade Scarlet Knights
NI Banners - NI Banner Prototypes

I was from from the Scarlet Blades before the merge. Terrible terrible times; Jarold was still around and knocking before he went into the abyss that is "CRappyG" as he called it.
#20108       SK_Iron_Marauder ;  Previously SK_Iron, SK_Ironhill, SB_Ironhill, Swadius_of_Ironhills
#2462148    SK_Mica ; Previously Fat_and_Ugly
#2441007    SK_Royal_Guard_Gneiss ; Previously SK_Herr_Gneiss_Preasts
#2451456    SK_Hardy_Meat_Piston
#2432942    Raicho
#2514714    Ric_Flair

I need an invite back for 2434009 and 2436907. Thanks.
House Thalheimer: Galen (Legionnaire), Wilhelm (Warden), Johann (Chosen Marksmen), Friedrich (Master Peltast) [Engineers]
Crafting: Blacksmith Max, Armorsmith Max, Alchemy Max, Support 22, Defender 14
NI House: The Order of Scarlet Blade Scarlet Knights
NI Banners - NI Banner Prototypes

Respectfully stepping down from SK. Had some good times with house but time to move on.
MP - Warden - Sentinel - Zwei - Pavise - RG - Halbradier

Steam  Legendaries

Feel free to add on steam for trades.
Hey guys. anything new going on that i might have missed? also who would i talk to about getting my items back out of the Sk_armory?
steam: Fluffiluffigus

Archer: SK_Fluffy_Archer
Deployable wall: SK_Fluffy_Footman
Over compensater : SK_Fluffy_Pikeman
Floor-mounted Turret: SK_Fluffy_Xbow
Halbredier: Vlad_the_Impaler
Eternal Redshirt: Fluffiluffigus
We had an armory? Awesome!
(08-01-2018, 02:23 PM)Irolltwenties Wrote: We had an armory?  Awesome!

This was news to me as well lol
Leaving SK  Sad had alot of fun with this house, met alot of nice ppl but whats dead is dead thanks for all the great memories.

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