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Mechanics from some other game.
This is not really a Feature Request as I'm sure this is to much work for a new game mode or just the game itself at this point. I'm not sure how hard any of this would be to implement as always. 

Recently I've played a few games of Team Fortress 2 (The Mann vs. Machine mode). Playing this it seems I like some TF2 concepts better than some in Ni onesIn short, it's similar to NI.

For the people that have no idea what this game is or the mod this is from the Wiki. Also Game Play if you want it. 

Mechanics for TF2
AI-controlled robots will attack the defending team in waves. The player's objective is to try to prevent the robots from successfully delivering a bomb to the player's base (somewhat similar to Payload, though the bomb itself is carried in a similar fashion to Intelligence). Each robot destroyed provides the players with credits, in the form of dropped "cash" piles of various sizes. When a player collects one of these "cash" piles, the resulting credits are divided equally amongst all players. At any time during the match, players may upgrade their weapons at an Upgrade Station inside their base using these credits. Players may also upgrade abilities for their current class. All upgrades for weapons and abilities are kept, even while switching to a different class (though classes can not be switched during a wave), but the purchased abilities and weapon upgrades are only available for the class that they were purchased for. Optionally, players may "refund" their credits between waves in order to change to different weapons, classes, or to optimize for a specific wave.

If the players lose against the robots, the game will restart from the beginning of the round that the players lost, until the players complete the round successfully. This can occur as many times as are necessary. Players may also vote to restart the map entirely.

1. It doesn't make sense to do a 1 for 1 of the "bomb" in Ni but you could do the something like it. You could make some destructible prop that the bots need to kill for the game to end vs killing all of us. For why well It takes more teamwork trying to protect something rather than just killing with no real goal in mind other than trying to stay alive. If anything I like this as it gives a reason for why we are fighting. 

This would change the meta a bit given you need to play around protecting something rather than killing the Ai. They are basically the same goal sure but you can change how the game is, for example. 

Given the new goal for the nords is to not kill us but to take down some prop you could also have an auto respawn timer. So yes, you could in theory still come back with a team fully dead. For how long well I could suggest 1min or 5mins... 1m would be op and 5ms is probably too long? I'm sure you could find a good balance point on each mode. You could get rid of the normal respawn waves to balance this or work around them.  

Thinking about it this would give rise to a new way to play without tomes. You could just save at the end of rounds giving life to your once dead team members. Doing so saving a tome in the process. Maybe the timer could be self-adjusting for the number of players that get killed so, in turn, making the timer take longer and longer on a wipe.  

Rather than tomes being pure respawn it could be (example) 2mins of auto respawning and it takes 30sec's respawn. This by itself I would like to see in Ni. 

2. Being able to buff your class in game for doing well I like in TF2 as most classes and items are on even footing already. For Ni, I don't think this makes much sense given we have class trees already. I've suggested this before and that's the closet ill come to something like what TF2 has.

3. The being able to restart from the beginning of the round vs needing to redo the full run sounds great till you think how would looting be handled in NI for such a thing. Would it just take away what you have looted on that wave or could it be even worse and take away multiple waves of loot as a punishment/cost of retrying. This idea to me sounds more feasible than my 1st one but I'm not even sure if its something Ni needs or wants.
Respawning when spawns are still full with bots (as a timer will not care about that).

Dead players when a boss is killed (due to timers aswell).

We can restart the map by going spec. Other resets like that could end up in either farming a certain wave or the loot system to be completely overhauled.
[Image: w6ZxTrO.png] Total: Loots: 61 & Upgrades: 36

2018: _1
2019: 15
2020: 17
2021: 15
2022: _8
2023: _1
2024: _2
2025: _2

‌‌ ‌‌Julia's little Armory | Steam
(11-01-2020, 09:38 AM)Julia. Wrote: Respawning when spawns are still full with bots (as a timer will not care about that).

Dead players when a boss is killed (due to timers aswell).


(11-01-2020, 07:38 AM)Woody Wrote: Rather than tomes being pure respawn it could be (example) 2mins of auto respawning and it takes 30sec's respawn. This by itself I would like to see in Ni. 

It not much different to how it is atm other than its a trade-off. Having the tome not "work" when you use it vs in being an effect that allows respawning for a period of time. Guess nothing is stopping this being its own item for the people that would rather this.

In that 30sec's or whatever it maybe it would be up to your team to make sure you can respawn safely. It's not much different from what we have now.

When toming for a boss the longest you would need to wait before making the kill is 30sec's and this is with the suggestion I made (30s). If anything mutable tomes don't need to be used within a secern time frame. This is a big buff for some teams as Im sure I don't need to remind anyone how quick some teams can go through 5 tomes on 1 boss.   

(11-01-2020, 09:38 AM)Julia. Wrote: We can restart the map by going spec. Other resets like that could end up in either farming a certain wave or the loot system to be completely overhauled.

You cant reset the map on wave 10 when you fail unless its an event and even I'm not just talking map wise.

This would allow you to wipe on wave 10 rag then try wave 10 again. Each wave would be a checkpoint where your team can keep on trying to pass or restart to the beginning with a new map. 

Like I said no Idea what you do here as you looted on that wave 10 you wiped on. If an easy solution to this problem was found I would be for this suggestion.

Also, whats stopping people from doing w15 over and over again till someone loots. Think that's a bigger problem as I'm not even sure how you could solve that problem. 

Unless loot is predetermined on each wave but that sounds like a mess in code.
If I wanted to play TF2, I would play it, not some Ni knock-off version of it.
Loots: 30
(11-01-2020, 10:29 AM)Fendi Wrote: If I wanted to play TF2, I would play it, not some Ni knock-off version of it.

That's says nothing on the idea's itself. Thanks?
It doesn't hurt to see what some games are like with a lot more developer power. This mod is practically closer to MvM in its gameplay than it is to Banner Lord.
why not add loot boxes to NI? we could buy the keys for real money to run the servers, it's not like people aren't buying for real money anyways
Because that'd be against Taleworld policy.
[Image: w6ZxTrO.png] Total: Loots: 61 & Upgrades: 36

2018: _1
2019: 15
2020: 17
2021: 15
2022: _8
2023: _1
2024: _2
2025: _2

‌‌ ‌‌Julia's little Armory | Steam
I'm surprised we don't have banner ads saying Raid Shadow Legends.

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