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Bring back fun to April servers
(22-03-2020, 04:00 PM)Woody Wrote:
(22-03-2020, 03:39 PM)Forward Wrote: Why so? With proposed changes it would be event for everyone.

With that, you buff runs for no reason other than that "fun" you speak of. The point of this event is to not make the game easier. The devs don't want that and even I don't want that. Why do you want that? 

Easier? You really believe that playing on a horse with hailer bow (and without ability to respawn items and losing them on death) is easier then playing with Raging Tempest/Blessed Zephyr? It's only about gameplay variety for small period of time.

This event excludes Rag servers anyway, so who cares about lower modes, they are way too easy anyway.

EDIT: And my example is hyperbole anyway. Rolling a horse was extremely rare, and rolling hailer bow was rare. And combination of both I think I saw even once last year.
(22-03-2020, 04:00 PM)Woody Wrote: Would rather the devs would on the real update vs something that will be over before you realise it.

(06-03-2020, 06:34 PM)Malong Wrote: "Mothafucka, you ain't" [the product owner]

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(22-03-2020, 04:07 PM)Forward Wrote:
(22-03-2020, 04:00 PM)Woody Wrote:
(22-03-2020, 03:39 PM)Forward Wrote: Why so? With proposed changes it would be event for everyone.

With that, you buff runs for no reason other than that "fun" you speak of. The point of this event is to not make the game easier. The devs don't want that and even I don't want that. Why do you want that? 

Easier? You really believe that playing on a horse with hailer bow (and without ability to respawn items and losing them on death) is easier then playing with Raging Tempest/Blessed Zephyr? It's only about gameplay variety for small period of time.

This event excludes Rag servers anyway, so who cares about lower modes, they are way too easy anyway.

Yes, easier.

With a horse, you can kite on any class to the point you could outrun anything. 

With a hailer bow, you effectively had better dps than any Typhoon or Tempest could have on normal. You could kill 5 bots in secs using good arrows...

With Odin spear, you could kill price in a matter of secs behind the cades playing mara

Do I need to go on?
(22-03-2020, 04:18 PM)Woody Wrote:
(22-03-2020, 04:07 PM)Forward Wrote:
(22-03-2020, 04:00 PM)Woody Wrote:
(22-03-2020, 03:39 PM)Forward Wrote: Why so? With proposed changes it would be event for everyone.

With that, you buff runs for no reason other than that "fun" you speak of. The point of this event is to not make the game easier. The devs don't want that and even I don't want that. Why do you want that? 

Easier? You really believe that playing on a horse with hailer bow (and without ability to respawn items and losing them on death) is easier then playing with Raging Tempest/Blessed Zephyr? It's only about gameplay variety for small period of time.

This event excludes Rag servers anyway, so who cares about lower modes, they are way too easy anyway.

Yes, easier.

With a horse, you can kite on any class to the point you could outrun anything. 

With a hailer bow, you effectively had better dps than any Typhoon or Tempest could have on normal. You could kill 5 bots in secs using good arrows...

With Odin spear, you could kill price in a matter of secs behind the cades playing mara

Do I need to go on?

You can't effectively kite with a horse 'with any class'. Even maps were not designed with horses in mind. You can to kite a bit, but it's more effective to do without horse at all. Horse is about making an event hilarious that's all.

Hailer bows are not allow you to change arrows, because you can't pick them after you dropped them. Only way to get arrows - take your own. I proposed to fix this hole in a balance with disallowing players to use their own items at all. If you really rolled not only hailer, but good arrows with it - well done, you're lucky, why not, you can have fun for a while.

And you can kill Prince with every other shit in this game facerolling your keyboard, Prince sucks.
(22-03-2020, 04:26 PM)Forward Wrote: You can't effectively kite with a horse 'with any class'. Even maps were not designed with horses in mind. You can to kite a bit, but it's more effective to do without horse at all. Horse is about making an event hilarious that's all.

Hailer bows are not allow you to change arrows, because you can't pick them after you dropped them. Only way to get arrows - take your own. I proposed to fix this hole in a balance with disallowing players to use their own items at all. If you really rolled not only hailer, but good arrows with it - well done, you're lucky, why not, you can have fun for a while.

And you can kill Prince with every other shit in this game facerolling your keyboard, Prince sucks.

Many maps that we don't play In events (DB) are big. Not all maps but with have a few that make horses op. Some maps could effectively become almost cav maps with little change. 

You can shot all your arrows then pick up new ones I think? Don't call it luck... We all try to spin to get what we want then stop afterwards.  

How good is your memory? This spear could kill him not 2x faster than Elegy but on a level, I don't even want to think about It. No player should be able to kill boss even on normal that easily. 

The devs don't want this so do you really see them changing their mind when it been almost 10 years at this point. 

Why do you think we don't have a "Hailer bow" for Sniper btw? I can tell you I know for a fact Kip and maybe other devs do not want players to have them. I and others have asked could a bow be made like that for players more than half a decade ago... If we don't have it now It will probably never come even In an event like this.
Whole argument on balance in event like this makes no sense.
(22-03-2020, 05:06 PM)Forward Wrote: Whole argument on balance in event like this makes no sense.

If anything I think would make sense if the April fools joke was the game got harder not easier.

I do remember when names of bots got changed one year. That would be "fun". Would help with a few quests given some harder to get bots could change to easier ones on the same game mode. 

Once again I'll say I would rather... Wait I'll will rephrase just for that someone. Everyone else just about would rather the Devs worked on a real update then changing or adding to this event.

Most people have no complaints about this event but many people have issues within the mod itself. Would you want a quick fix or wait longer for a real update. Most people if I was to take the guess would wait as they have been for almost a year.
Lets just hope they are working on any of your suggestions.
Loots: 30
I have to agree with Forward on this one. It's a shame to see a brilliant game mode being artificially crippled like that. There is no added value for old players, thus, no reason to play the mode. Sure, new players finally get to play with otherwise inaccessible weapons but I'm certain they would also immensely enjoy getting their hands on a hailer bow for example.

I sincerely hope the dev team rethink their position on this issue.
Lets just hope they are not working on any of your suggestions.

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