Emails are disabled - for account issues, post in #help on the NI Discord.

  Account-Wide Messages
Posted by: Kip - 20-06-2016, 03:24 AM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (2)

Hello everyone,

The messaging system has had a makeover so that all your messages are in one place instead of scattered across each character. Reading and managing your messages should also be much smoother and faster due to the way the page has been designed. In the future, I would like to see filters added so that you can see only messages about one character, trade notification, quests, etc.

On a side note, a feature asked for long ago has been implemented: Quest rewards are now listed in the completion message!

Let me know if you find a problem or rough edges.


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  Backend Website Changes and Improved Registration
Posted by: Kip - 22-05-2016, 05:11 PM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (3)

Hello everyone.

You might have noticed that the website was down for maintenance for about an hour last night.  This was done so we could implement a fairly large change to the backend of how your characters are all stored and glued together.  If we did our job well, you will not notice any visible changes but this lays the groundwork for doing some interesting things in the future.

Undoubtedly, there will be a few bugs that slipped past our testing so please bear with us as we work through them.  If you spot anything broken, please report it in the website section of our help board: [Link].

Along with the backend changes, the account creation process has been updated including a guided tour of the character page after you register.

The process is now...
- Join an NI server and receive an activation code in chat.
- Go to the website and enter the activation code, the name of the character you want to create (this does not need to match the character you first joined with), and a password.
- Follow a brief guided tour around the character page.
- Back in Warband, edit the character name if you chose a different one on the website and you are all set to play.

If you want to try out the tour, you can trigger it by going to  Again, if you spot any mistakes or have some suggestions, let us know.  I intend to eventually create tours for all the pages - particularly ones which are a bit more complicated.

- Kip and the NI Team

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  Server Experiments & Loot
Posted by: Kip - 01-04-2016, 03:46 AM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (18)

Hello everyone!

We are experimenting with some servers at the moment. You will notice our servers are now RU, MX, and NZ. The old EU, NA, and AU servers are down for the duration of the experiment. Ping should be quite comparable so your gaming will not be impacted.

To make the testing more fun, we have reintroduced the random gear servers. They are the ones labelled with NI_X_ instead of NI_. Just join a server with empty equipment slots and they will be filled automatically.

We have also added a new drop to every Nord in the game inspired from the feedback we have gotten over the years. It should help alleviate some of the disappointment of getting Nothing from so many Nords. It can be used by characters of any profession. We hope you enjoy it! (Note: It only drops if you did not get any traditional loot so don't worry about missing out on the usual stuff.)

Happy April 1st weekend!
- Kip and the NI Team

PS: We plan to run the experiment through Monday evening.

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  NordInvasion 1.2.0 - Orienteering [up to 1.2.8]
Posted by: Kanade Tachibana - 23-03-2016, 04:00 AM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (100)

Hello fellow Swadian heroes!

We’re happy to announce to you the 1.2.0 patch: Orienteering!

Many maps were updated thanks to our scene workers, on top of that they’ve worked hard to bring you 4 new maps on top of that. We also added new items, modified the stats of some items and some fancy model changes. Contact Xen if you have any item or model issues as he is stepping in as item developer.

We implemented two new tools for the common Swadian soldier's orientation on the battlefield and in the server list.  One of them is the mini-map. This is a great tool for Swadians to use to help find where the Nords are if they’re missing. It also highlights all anvils, ammo refills, health restores and shrines on the mini-map. (May of slipped in a few extra surprises too :P)

Some forum changes and fixes were put in place including the medals system. We’ll add people's medals back over time.

Code stuff
As noted above, we have added a mini-map which gives Swadian’s the location of enemies on a helpful overlay.
It includes different images for the ammo refill, health restore, anvils and shrine.

To control the mini-map use the following controls:
M - Opens and closes the mini-map.
N - Zooms the mini-map up to 5 times. Makes the player the middle point of the map.

Added a marker for any servers that are passed wave 16.
Once a public server is past wave 16, an asterisk (*) is added to the server name in the server list. For example: NI_Normal_EU2*

Secret stuff.

Item changes
The Stamford +2c +2p

Heavy Bear Set
Studded Gauntlets
Bear Hood

2 new craftable items!

Several other behind the scenes remodels and retextures.

Caravan Ambush
Coastal Raid
Fortress Under Siege
Hidden Cave
Lake Town
Nordic Fortress
Royal Observatory
Swadian Bay
Swadian Citadel
Swadian Folly
Swadian Keep
Swadian Temple
Swadian Village
Traders Valley

Senuzgda Cavern
Swadian Mines
The Forgotten Bay
Winters Respite

Have fun,
Kanade and the NordInvasion Team

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  NI Team Update
Posted by: Naozumi - 11-03-2016, 01:27 PM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (7)

Hello all,

We would like to let everyone know of some changes that are happening within NordInvasion.

New Forum: Why?

As you are aware, the forum software was swapped out recently for MyBB and obviously some people are happy whilst others are less so. I felt it would be useful to explain why we felt this change was neccessary.

SMF has served us well in the past and many people enjoyed the site. Unfortunately, behind the scenes it was a bit of a nightmare. SMF directly patches the core files and replaces the code. Conflicts from mods replacing mods are common place and the forum had reached a stage where it was actually impossible to pick up a new install of SMF and make it the same as ours due to the way mods have been installed, uninstalled and deprecated over the years. Additionally, expanding the forum was problematic for the same reasons and this was not a scenario that the team were happy to have continue.

And so, it was replaced. MyBB was chosen as the most suitable replacement from just about every option out there (check the Wikipedia article on forum software if you wish a list) and whilst some had some things that were better, MyBB was the best option for us over all the areas when taken together. Additionally, the team feels comfortable with the coding styles and willing to expand on its capabilities to suit our needs better over time.

We do accept that some things were missed such as player shops with nested tables and we are very sorry for the issues that has caused players but we ask that you bear with us as we work to find a solution that works for everyone and encourage you to use the feature request board to highlight anything you would like to see. There have been a few requests and I can confirm that these are being looked into but will need testing before they join the live site (incidentally, something very difficult to do on the old forum). Hopefully given a bit of time, everyone's issues can be resolved and both you the players and the team managing these services can both be happy with the solution.

New Team: Development and Operations (Dev & Ops).

The team expands on the current Senior Development role to become the team responsible for managing all aspects of NordInvasion, from player discipline to deciding the future of NordInvasion. This will see the heads of the various NI areas come together to manage NI and provide the best possible game for you all. They will have the final say on all development choices and will be responsible for all bans and unbans as well as any new team members. In the real world, nothing much will change for players but the way NI works should become a little clearer and remove ambiguity from the development channel taking decisions within the admin channel.
The team will comprise of Hypernoma, Hande, Naozumi, Kip And The_Irish_Eagle.

Promotion: Head of Admins

We would like to congratulate The_Irish_Eagle on his new role as Head of Admins. In this role, Irish will be responsible for the day to day managing of the admin team and player discipline. It had become clear to us, and likely many of you, that the admin team has been running very successfully under Irish's watchful eye. Irish will now be responsible for all three regions (EU, NA and AU) effectively replacing the old Senior Admin roles which have been mostly unfilled for some time.

New Developer

Xen will be joining the developer team now with a specific focus on developing the forum. I know that a lot of people have expressed concern about certain features that people are missing and can assure you that Xen, along with the existing team, are looking to bring back features and add new ones as soon as reasonably possible.

And from the NI Team, thanks for being a great community and stay turned for more announcements and features coming soon!

/Nao & The NI Team

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  New Forum
Posted by: Naozumi - 05-03-2016, 03:43 AM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (66)

Hello all!

As you will have noticed the forum is looking a little bit different. Indeed, the forum software has actually been replaced to increase the reliability and flexibility of the forum.

Our old forum software has done us proud but had become unwieldy with all the modifications that had been added over the past few years. And so, we now introduce you to the new NI forum.

As part of the rebuild all forum posts and users have been moved across and the forum has been extensively tested but if you do spot something then please let us know in the report section. There will be some more changes coming over the next few months as we refine the new forum but for now please do play and provide any feedback.

Hope you enjoy the update!


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  Crafting Experience Overhaul
Posted by: Winter - 12-02-2016, 10:46 PM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (4)

Hello NordInvasion community,

Crafting experience received from creating items has been reworked for all crafting professions.  Low tier items give a little less and high tier items give significantly more, along with general balance and consistency changes.

Thank you,
The NI Developer Team

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  Two AU Servers Once More
Posted by: Kip - 03-02-2016, 03:50 PM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (1)

Hello everyone,

Thanks to a few recent donations to the AU account (and pledges for more to come), we have a second server for AU again.  This puts us at one Normal and one Hard.  The current cost of the AU servers is $16.95 per month.  For the sake of round numbers, lets just say $35 monthly for both.

The donation link for the AU servers remains the same -

The donation page shows the current amount due.  A negative number means that much money is available for the next bill.  A positive number means that much money must be donated to keep the server running one more cycle. treats this as all-or-nothing.  Unless both servers can be payed for, they will both be suspended.

There has been a history of this server coming and going due to lack of funds but considering the number of people who have contacted me with interest in supporting a second server, I truly hope it will stick around a good long while this time.


Kip and the NI Team

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