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Loot Date/Person
I agree. Nice idea but tracking the history is too much imo.
?.?.12 - Wormbane
4.6.18 - Penetrator

[Image: 76561198058198743.png]
Would definitely be interesting to see if I could find any of my loots

edit: nvm, didn't read Winter's Post. Still a good idea, though.
Yeah thats a good idea Smile

Killed by DB_Tonic o.0?
23.2.15 - Naval Glaive
08.3.15 - Naval Glaive
16.3.15 - Fearsome Knight Helmet
29.4.17 - Volcanic Daggers
29.5.18 - Rupturers
03.2.25 - Impervious
14.2.25 - Tiger Scale Armour
16.2.25 - Lionhide Boots
07.3.25 - Leviathan's Helmet
07.3.25 - Steel Stinger 

Fara: ''The World Trade Center was on 11.9.1998''

Fara: ''How old were you in 2012?''
Tonic: ''I was born in 1997''
Fara: ''So you were 17''
To fix the problem of legendaries looted prior to this update should it be added, just put "Looted by Looter" or some joke names [Which would be in a different color to designate it as being such] as a placeholder.

A good idea otherwise.
Looted A Frying Pan 11/25/14
[Image: tbavTdE.jpg]

(07-05-2017, 11:30 PM)Looter Wrote: To fix the problem of legendaries looted prior to this update should it be added, just put "Looted by Looter" or some joke names [Which would be in a different color to designate it as being such] as a placeholder.

A good idea otherwise.

"Looted by [Image: Geralt]"
Hey ; - )

[Image: Geralt]
Is there no way to add this information to each future loot on the website in the description of a legendary?

[Image: 7785b79169.png]
08/15/16 - White Dragon Helmet
08/25/16 - Dragon Axe
10/2/16 - Ornate Crusader Helmet
11/6/16 - Gothic Salet
12/1/16 - Wulfsbane
1/8/17 - Ornate Bascinet
11/19/17 - Legacy
That's a great idea, would show where legendaries are perhaps like tracking history? That's a great idea. Is this possible?

Love to see where all my old legendaries are!

edit: Just thinking off a tangent...........some games also have a "crafted by:" tag on items as well with the date or whatever. Say in different MMO's.

Is this possible? I've seen this in Mortal: Online etc. Is the coding possible on the website for this?
MP - Warden - Sentinel - Zwei - Pavise - RG - Halbradier

Steam  Legendaries

Feel free to add on steam for trades.
I think this would be a great idea
Hi, I'm Joseph_Smithy and I approve this message.

Big Grin Big Grin
(14-07-2018, 06:57 PM)Sharmastyle Wrote: That's a great idea, would show where legendaries are perhaps like tracking history? That's a great idea. Is this possible?

Love to see where all my old legendaries are!

edit: Just thinking off a tangent...........some games also have a "crafted by:" tag on items as well with the date or whatever. Say in different MMO's.

Is this possible? I've seen this in Mortal: Online etc. Is the coding possible on the website for this?

ooooooooooooooh! crafting I completely forgot about that! That's genius would also personalize your crafting items. nice idea
08/15/16 - White Dragon Helmet
08/25/16 - Dragon Axe
10/2/16 - Ornate Crusader Helmet
11/6/16 - Gothic Salet
12/1/16 - Wulfsbane
1/8/17 - Ornate Bascinet
11/19/17 - Legacy

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