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Attempt to buff commando's part 3.14159
3. i dont like it to make the extra amout of hp is based on you armour rate -.- better same extra life 4 the Classes like legio +20 helth zwei +30 RG +40 and jug +50 or something like that
Legendary Loots:  Fang of Fenrir 10/2015
                          Wulfbane   8/2018
                          TSA 8/2018
                          Imperial Red 9/2018
                          Hurican Bow 9/2018
                          Sun Pike 10/2018
if you need something to be craftet just PM me or steam me Big Grin
After thought

1A because this is meant to save you, or be your last chance and your warning to retreat.

2. maybe 10 seconds 20 seconds seems to long. After some game play I might realize that 20 seconds is not as long as I think it is.

3. I would prefer if you have decent armor you can survive at least 1 more hit, even top class craftable should be able to survive at least 1 more hit most of the time.

A more preferable solution to me would be to make the extra health a fixed number. So say the average damage per hit is x so make the extra health bar 1.5x so you live for 1 or 2 more hits depending on your luck.

4. Nothing at this time, thank you for listening and the ideas presented here.
Yes, I'm Floofy.

I hope all is well, and if not try to have a positive attitude because it helps.  Thank you and have a great day!
1.) Well (a) would be more of a "shield" and (b) would be more of a "last chance" idk. I think (a) it's posable that you could get more hp than B but at the cost of it being harder to get back to max hp. Would rather (a) based on that.

2.) I will ask some questions
     1.) Can/Could a healer heal this extra hp? 
     2.) If this is an extra 20 hp or whatever would it be posable for the regenerating to be 1-2hp at (X) sec's vs getting the full amount back all at once?
3.) Would it be posable to make all armour stats (Body armour, Head armour and Leg armour?) E.g. Body is worth 3 points, Head 1.5 and Leg being 0.5 or something like that then it just gives you a total then that total is used to find out how much  extra hp you get

With full gothic set if i can tank w9 normal nice but if I can tank any rag wave then you have gone way to far.
(15-08-2018, 06:22 AM)Woody Wrote: 1.) Well (a) would be more of a "shield" and (b) would be more of a "last chance" idk. I think (a) it's posable that you could get more hp than B but at the cost of it being harder to get back to max hp. Would rather (a) based on that.

1.) I would like to see the extra health bar to be used after the main health is depleted. This simulates more of a final stand, since the extra health is only used after the main health is depleted.

2.) I would like to see the extra health bar to be used before the main health bar is being depleted. This simulates more of a body armour/shield, since the extra health is depleted before the main bar is being touched.

(15-08-2018, 06:22 AM)Woody Wrote: 2.) I will ask some questions
     1.) Can/Could a healer heal this extra hp? 
     2.) If this is an extra 20 hp or whatever would it be posable for the regenerating to be 1-2hp at (X) sec's vs getting the full amount back all at once?

Extra health will heal over time. Currently it is set to 5 health every 5 seconds, but this is up for debate as well.

(15-08-2018, 06:22 AM)Woody Wrote:  
3.) Would it be posable to make all armour stats (Body armour, Head armour and Leg armour?) E.g. Body is worth 3 points, Head 1.5 and Leg being 0.5 or something like that then it just gives you a total then that total is used to find out how much  extra hp you get

With full gothic set if i can tank w9 normal nice but if I can tank any rag wave then you have gone way to far.

I don't want to make infantry too overpowered. If testing proves that (body armour + gauntlets) divided by 3 is too low of a number, it can be adjusted.
buff the whole game not just comamndo
NordInvasion Wiki

Brigadine Plated Black -  20/01/16
Dragon Spear - 17/03/18
Thanks to the people that filled in the questionnaire, that was some helpful feedback.

The extra health system is now a final stand type of mechanism, meaning that once your actual health has depleted, the extra health might safe you from a few extra strikes.

Reduced the amount of time to start regenerating to 10 seconds.
Out of combat time is now dependent on damage taken only. If you are a good fighter, you might start already regenerating extra health while still killing enemy bots.
The extra health values are currently untouched, but can be adjusted if seemed needed at the official event.

To all the people that didn't fill in the questionnaire, too bad if you don't like it. You had your chance to for input.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask them here.
If you would like to see this system in action, join the Official Event tomorrow.
I'm looking forward to this. I remember playing back in 2012 and later. Where you'd set up shield walls as infantry so the ranged and 2H users could do damage. Then barricades came along and those shield walls then became 1-2 shields, 1-2 2 handers and a bunch of archers. Now it's just barricades and archers with infantry doing nothing except end of round clear up and dealing with breakthroughs... Infantry should be holding the front line and archers supporting them by taking out high profile targets and enemy archers while the infantry deal with the bulk of the enemy infantry.
(16-08-2018, 01:17 PM)Kaasovic Wrote: The extra health system is now a final stand type of mechanism, meaning that once your actual health has depleted, the extra health might safe you from a few extra strikes.

You're welcome, NI community.
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

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Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
(17-08-2018, 07:30 PM)Malong Wrote:
(16-08-2018, 01:17 PM)Kaasovic Wrote: The extra health system is now a final stand type of mechanism, meaning that once your actual health has depleted, the extra health might safe you from a few extra strikes.

You're welcome, NI community.

Thank you.


The NI Community
(19-08-2018, 01:33 AM)Irolltwenties Wrote:
(17-08-2018, 07:30 PM)Malong Wrote:
(16-08-2018, 01:17 PM)Kaasovic Wrote: The extra health system is now a final stand type of mechanism, meaning that once your actual health has depleted, the extra health might safe you from a few extra strikes.

You're welcome, NI community.

Thank you.  


The NI Community

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