Client Release 0.3.7 - Share The Wealth |
Posted by: Conqueror_Worm - 08-03-2012, 08:49 PM - Forum: News & Updates
- Replies (114)
Another wee patch for you all.
- Gold is now spread out equally to everyone in assist range.
- Loot is now random between everyone in assist range and the killer.
- All Infantry only available armors has had their armor values increased by 50%.
- Updated House Banners.
- Most maps re-done.
- And one thing I forgot, high level players once again get loot in Normal Mode!
The download link for the patch can be found here.
There is again new big problems with Swadian Castle so I need to disable it again from cycle.
To all server owners, disable it from rotation by adding # front of it
Code: #add_map ni_swadian_castle
Thanks. - Hande
Client Release 0.3.6 - From Dusk till Dawn |
Posted by: Conqueror_Worm - 05-03-2012, 04:49 PM - Forum: News & Updates
- Replies (71)
Another small patch for you guys!
- Time of day is now random on all maps!
- The Valkyrie and Jotne hammer should be a bit less terrifying.
- Small item changes, mostly to Legendary weapons.
- New House banners added.
- Map fixes and changes to old maps.
- New map - Swadian Overgrown by Dropsdawn!
- New map - Swadian Castle by Zetus!
As usual download can be found here.
Server owners, these are the lines for the new maps to go in the config file:
Code: add_map ni_swadian_overgrown
#add_map ni_swadian_castle
Client Release 0.3.5 - Stemming the tide! |
Posted by: Conqueror_Worm - 28-02-2012, 08:17 PM - Forum: News & Updates
- Replies (41)
New patch, yay! Just a small balance patch this time.
- Default numbers of bots spawning has been decreased on both normal and hard mode.
- Boss minions spawning has been decreased.
- Hard mode troops have been nerfed again.
- Barricades and Heavy Barricades now have more hit points.
- Change to horse speed reduction and horse healing, should hopefully not bug out anymore after horse has been healed.
- Map fixes.
Nord Invasion is moving! |
Posted by: Conqueror_Worm - 24-02-2012, 06:18 PM - Forum: News & Updates
- Replies (15)
(27-02-2012, 05:50 PM)Jez link Wrote: The site move is complete, if you are still receiving 'the site is down' messages when visiting, its because you are seeing the old server. The domain may take 12-24hrs to propagate for some people so please be patient.
We are going to move our database, forum and site to a different server in the near future. We are hoping to get it started on Monday 27th February. During the move the database will have to go down though so there will be no stats updating and the site won't be available. The transfer should, if everything goes smoothly, be done in 24 hours or less.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you all for your patience.
Client Release 0.3.4 - Explosive Resurrection! |
Posted by: Conqueror_Worm - 19-02-2012, 05:15 PM - Forum: News & Updates
- Replies (32)
We have been hard at work all weekend getting you guys a new patch, not the biggest patch yet, but a big milestone for us as we now implement all tiers of the Support classes.
- Support Classes
- All tiers of the support classes are now available.
- 2 new items for the Medic class. Surgeon's kit, only has one charge but fully heals everyone in a large radius and takes a lot less time to use. Resurrection Tome, revives dead players in a large radius and makes them spawn back at spawn.
- 2 new items for the Engineer class. Heavy Barricades, same health as the Barricade but a lot bigger and total cover against enemy ranged units. Explosive Barrel, kills all enemies within a short radius with a explosion. Downside is you only get one so use it wisely and using it gives no experience, gold or loot.
- Fixes
- Minor fixes to some maps. Jeldan Citadel has been taken out.
- Minor weapon changes, mostly some items have lost the ability to be used on horseback.
- Horse speed fix should now work as intended.
- Lessened the default numbers of spawning enemies, especially on hard mode, scaling stays the same.
- More Rangers!!
As always you can find the patch here.
Scene Contest, Reward for best map! |
Posted by: Hande - 05-02-2012, 04:17 PM - Forum: News & Updates
- Replies (82)
It is time for see if there are some good scene makers along us.
Idea of this contest is very simple, make scene in two weeks and then we will test it in public.
For reward we will allow you to choose one legendary weapon from list that we show to you.
Me, Hyper & MrGuarnere will decide who will have best map so make it to be nice and good !
Few important rules:
- You can submit only one map.
- Map need to have all these stuffs what reads in this post: http://forum.nordinvasion.com/index.php?...489.0.html
- Map need to be glitch & bug free.
- No arabic theme.
- No small rooms & easy grinding places.
- No screenshots from map in public.
- There will be only 10 minutes of testing time for each map.
When you think your map is done, send it to me as PM with map file and scene code.
Time starts now and ends at 19.2.2012 !!!
Public test/judging day will be 20.2.2012. ( Time will come later )
Small update: There can now be one private testing for your map to test AI meshes.
Contest Results:
_666_, 10 points.
YuriTheRed, 9 points
Birdtalon, Senni, Freddex, 7 points
Dropsdawn, 6 points
Leglonglas, Reinhardt, 5 points
Thanks for everyone who submitted map for contest! Also thanks for players who came to test them!
So, YuriTheRed is the new winner. Congratulations, you will be rewarded with legendary weapon soon !
Database troubles, rollbacks and setbacks |
Posted by: Conqueror_Worm - 01-02-2012, 05:58 PM - Forum: News & Updates
- Replies (20)
As you all know we suffered a major setback with the recent roll back. Our players unfortunately lost some progress from the last few days, something we are terribly sorry for, but it was unavoidable due to the circumstances.
We also lost hours and hours worth of database work because of this rollback that we had to redo. Since we couldn't take down the entire site this time and we wanted to be more thorough when we did it, we had to take down the marketplace for a while. This was to be totally sure something like this wouldn't happen to the economy again.
After a lot of work, we have done it all again and changed the database a bit. The Marketplace is now fully functional and we have made sure something like this cannot happen in the future. This is the first time we have ever had to rollback to a older backup and will hopefully be the last, unfortunately things like these happen when we are in testing phases like this and stuff has to be changed.
We sincerely apologize to our playerbase and thank you for your patience during this. We also want to say to our newer players that as mentioned, this has never happened before, and you shouldn't be afraid of constantly losing all progress. Our database is very stable and now even more so.
As you all noticed this also erased most of our work on new quests as well as changes to crafting. Unfortunately that set us back more on bringing you the promised new craftables and other goodies, but this is our main focus from now and we hope to bring you lots of cool stuff in the coming days!
I also want to mention we have brought on someone to help us out with the workload, so we now have another member on the dev team, Hypernoma - The Mad Scotsman!
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