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  Australia Servers & Donations
Posted by: Kip - 03-07-2015, 05:44 AM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (12)

Hello everyone,

There has been a change in the way the AU servers and donations are handled.  All AU donations should now be make with the Clan Pay option now listed on the Help NI page.  This will allow a more direct method of donating to the cost of the servers without having to convert from AUD to EUR and then from EUR to USD.

As part of the change, the existing two AU servers now have new IP addresses and thanks to a generous starter donation, there is now a third AU server - Ragnarok.  The number of servers available will depend entirely on donations so please keep an eye on the account balance and top it up from time to time.

The bill comes in once a month and costs $19.95 US per server (59.85 for all three).  The current account balance for the AU servers can be seen on the Clan Pay page.  If the account does go into the red, there is a short grace period before GameServers automatically suspends the account (which hopefully will never happen).  Wink  If three servers proves too much to support, we will drop back down to two for a while.

- Kip and the NI Team

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  Official NordInvasion Wiki
Posted by: Kip - 18-06-2015, 03:53 AM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (10)

Hello everyone,

For a while now, we have had an official wiki which has contained the game rules and the beginnings of various sections.  To get it started, editing rights have been given to only a select few.  They have laid the foundations for many areas which we wish to cover more thoroughly.

Today, the NordInvasion wiki is now open for community editing!  Anyone who wishes to contribute may do so.  The registration link can be found in the upper-right corner of the page.  Once signed in, you may access the Staff section to see information about styling and syntax.

We envision the wiki as being a place where beginners can get information about starting in NordInvasion and a reference for any other information that might now be scattered across various parts of the forum.  A few of the subjects that could benefit from pages are registering your first character, creating alts, how the wave system works, how to heal and refill ammunition, anything that might not be obvious for someone new to the game.

If you have any questions such as how certain topics should be grouped or whether certain major changes should be made to pages, feel free to ask here.

- Kip and the NI Team

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  New House Event Scheduling
Posted by: Kip - 17-05-2015, 04:10 PM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (13)

Hello everyone!

Today we are releasing a new system for scheduling house events.  This new system is integrated into and can be accessed from the house page by clicking on the Events link.

House leaders and captains have the ability to apply for events.  As before with the PM form, all the usual fields are present.  The "Start At" field which specifies when you wish your event to start will automatically set itself to your computer's timezone - all the timezone and daylight saving math takes place behind the scenes.

The system is still very new and will undoubtedly be improved further over time.  If you see something that is not working right or that could be improved, post about it here.  If for some reason you cannot schedule your event (or the event is not scheduled properly), send a PM to the Event Coordinator.  (To clarify, general problems and bug reports should be posted here.  Specific event scheduling issues should be PMed to the Event Coordinator.)

Kip and the NI team

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  Thousands Separator
Posted by: Kip - 28-04-2015, 11:37 PM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (9)


In an effort to make it easier to read numbers over 999, the Auction Hall, player gold, and character xp now have a space as the thousand place separator.  The reason for choosing a space is that some regions use commas while others use periods.  To complicate things further, the symbols are reversed entirely to separate the whole number from the decimal.  A space is more neutral and provides the same visual separation and readability.

If this change feels right, we will continue to add thousand separators to more of the large numbers on the website.  Meanwhile, if you have a particular number in mind that could use this separator, feel free to point it out!

- Kip

Note: If the Auction Hall is not calculating the total cost properly when you try to buy items, force a page refresh with Ctrl + F5 to ensure you have the latest copy.

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  Another Community Outreach Message
Posted by: Kip - 12-04-2015, 11:12 PM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (60)

Hello NI community!

It has been a while since we have had to make one of these messages (over a year, actually) but it is time to once again ask for more support for the cost of our servers.  In a change from previous requests, we are listing the monthly costs for each region with an approximate conversion to the local currency.

Europe  50 EUR  ~36 GBP  One dedicated server  Last month's donations: ~12 EUR  Current donations: 300 EUR
North America  53 EUR  ~56 USD  One dedicated server  Last month's donations: ~8 EUR  Current donations: 20 EUR
Australia  38 EUR  ~52 AUD  Two game servers  Last month's donations: ~5 EUR  Current donations: 0 EUR

The Australian servers in particular are quite expensive.  Unlike the EU and NA servers, we have to pay for each individual game server.  (This is why there are currently only two.)  Unfortunately, donations for the AU servers only cover a fraction of the cost (about 5 EUR per month).  If we do not see an increase from that area (or an overall surplus), we might be forced to drop one or both AU servers.

The other two regions are also in need of more donations.  We are currently receiving about 20 EUR per month for them combined.  Because they are dedicated servers, it does not cost us more to run more game servers on them - the only limitation is the hardware of the server.  This also means we cannot reduce costs by dropping game servers in those regions.

In brighter news, we have some great ideas in the pipeline for the next patch and are looking forward to how they will affect game progression from lower to upper levels.  I don’t want to say anything specific quite yet but these changes will make the game more inviting for new members and introduce some fun ideas for existing members too!

In closing, NI has survived a number of years now with the support of our great community.  It has provided countless hours of enjoyment and with your help, will continue to do so.  Any assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
The NordInvasion Team

PS: The donation page can be found by clicking the "Help NI" link on our homepage (or by clicking here).

Edit: Added running total of donations as of April 20th

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  April Surprise
Posted by: Kip - 01-04-2015, 03:31 AM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (18)

For a bit of early April fun, we have a few servers distributing random gear again!

Just join an NI_April_ server with a few or all of your equipment slots empty and you will get random weapons, armor, or support items.  Slots that you choose to equip yourself will get whatever you equip.  Don't worry about getting arrows but no bow - items like that are paired together.

NI_April_EU1 and NA1 are normal mode, NI_April_EU2 and NA2 are hard mode, and NI_April_DM_EU and NA are deathmatch.

The loadouts can get quite silly so have fun!

- Kip and the NI Team

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  NordInvasion Team Restructure
Posted by: Kip - 15-02-2015, 12:22 AM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (3)

Hello all,

We have done a bit of reworking regarding the NordInvasion team structure.

New Groups

As you might have noticed on the forum index, our worker groups have been combined into Contributor and Major Contributor and we have a new Senior Developer group.

Contributors are those who have done a notable amount of modeling, texturing, or scening work specifically for NordInvasion.
Major Contributors are those who have done a considerable amount of work.
Anyone who has contributed to the mod, regardless of being a group member, is appreciated and eligible for mention on our about page.

Developers are those who are an integral part of the development process and directly modify the mod.
Senior Developers are long-standing developers who also are administrators.

New Developers

We would also like to take this opportunity to officially welcome two new developers to the team: YuriTheRed and Thatsmybanana.

Yuri is joining our Senior Developer, K4mi, to work on the game code. The exact details of what they are working on will of course be revealed in time.

Thatsmybanana is handling models and textures. Anyone wishing to contribute models or textures to the game should speak with him and indeed, we welcome you all to do so.

- Kip & the NordInvasion team.

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  New Item Colors
Posted by: Kip - 07-02-2015, 03:48 AM - Forum: News & Updates - Replies (59)


Item colors might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about website design but they are something you see every time you check your inventory.

It has been a long while since we last adjusted them but that changes now.

We have added more categories to make it easier to see what you have at a glance and have swapped a few of the colors to group them better.

For details about which category has which color, please refer to our wiki: Equipment: Item Quality

If you see an item that does not fit the group properly, let us know!

- Kip and the developer team

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